My experience was very simple. I checked in at the ticket counter. I didn't wait in line, just walked up. They have a list going and checked me in. After a few minutes, someone cam out and escorted me to a small back office. I interviewed one-on-one with a super nice person. Easy, relaxed, over in about 25-30 minutes. Some stations have you drug tested right there. I did not. I was told they would be in touch soon. I was called the next day with the good news.
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I applied then maybe 2 weeks later received a phone call to set up the phone interview. After the phone interview, I got a call 2 days later about setting up the f2f. Phone interview was very low key. Tell me about the job duties. Why are you considering Southwest? Tell me about a time you went above and beyond to help a customer What kind of customer service do you have experience in, etc.
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06:57 AM
06:57 AM
Passed the phone interview for a CSR this week. Was called the next day to set up the face-to-face. They scheduled it for a month away, almost to the day. Is that normal to have a 4 week period between?
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