You are correct. The slick deals link is where I started, but I am fairly certain that I ended up with a 200 back and 40,000 after spending $2000 promotion after clicking on the slick deals link. I cannot find that link so I guess it's really no use at this point. I did get 200 credit and enough points for 1 ticket. Although it should have gotten all of them I needed for my trip. Kinda puts a bad taste in my mouth though.
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03:53 PM
03:53 PM This is the deal I signed up for. It is dated at the bottom 5-2-19 This is when and what I signed up for. I used the Slickdeals link and thankfully they archive the deals!! We would all appreciate any help with this. At the time this offer was made on all Rewards cards.
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Unfortunately in my case when I signed up for the card 4 months ago I had no inclination that I would need to screen shot my offer because I have never had such issues with proportionals for this kind of product. I am pretty darn positive it was linked many places on at the time. I will have to go back and see if I have it saved.
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I am going through the exact same problem with my Rewards card. I signed up with a 40,000 point offer and now have recieved a 10.000 reward and am getting no where with chase. I have emailed Southwest and hope for better but at this point I have already had to book the flights I was planning on using the points on. Will be canceling the card.
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