I actually have been working in the public since July. I have also worked at a college for over eighteen years and as a public school teacher for ten years. I've had Covid ( a week of fatigue) and I've had my first shot. Thank goodness my grand children have not had to do remote learning. Some people just love to sit at their computer all day.. play video games and live their lives online. Most healthy children need the socialization that school offers (and they need exercise) If you are a teacher, you must understand that there are many learning styles and remote learning is not working for a majority of the students. If you are an adult that is holding back these children, you are selfish. In my 50 working years, there were always those fragile people that go home from work (or school) if they get a little sniffle. I think the teachers that are too afraid to do their job need "in person", need to find new jobs.
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I agree. Starting writing out tickets. It may be a way to recoup some of the COVID loss in revenue. Wearing a mask is not a big deal, but I have found the flight attendants are inconsistent on enforcing policies. Now that the middle seat is occupied, maybe I can get more than one glass of water. This is beginning to look like an excuse. Just like the teachers- if you are afraid of COVID or don't want to get your shots- maybe this job is not for you.
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01:36 PM
01:36 PM
Why are they not fining people that will not wear a mask or wear it under their nose. This is an easy way to make some money. Of course, there is the guy that sips on his water with his mask off the entire flight. On my flight to Arizona a lady and her baby walked up and down the aisle with her sparkling mask under her nose. No one said a thing. Time to get tough.
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01:33 PM
01:33 PM
On my last flight a couple with their kid that was easily over 10, was allowed to go after the A's. This lack of consistency in policies at SW drives me crazy. The family boarding should be little children. If the kid has a disability, they should get a pre-boarding request. This kid didn't. His parents (or grand parents) just used him to get in early.
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My ticket in March costs 106 dollars from Seattle to Arizona. My emotional support dog (who stays in a crate under my feet will cost 190 to travel. Why can't I just buy a seat for my dog? Before my dog was an emotional support certified, he always stayed in the crate, under my feet. On the last flight a lady with a cat in a bag, wouldn't move her cat from the middle because she said the flight attendant said it was okay. SW is so inconsistent with their rules and policies.
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