08:00 AM
08:00 AM
Thank you! I only have a few more questions if you could answer them: Once I check in (I assume online), will I have to go through any additional forms of identification to get on the plane? When my ticket was booked, there was no additional information/requirements for young traveler information (despite me putting my correct birthdate showing that I am under the age of 18). Will there be an issue or any additional processes that I will need to go through when I try to check in at the airport?
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05:29 PM
05:29 PM
Hello! I've been booked a flight as a young traveler (17) with another adult. I have a few questions and want to know a bit more about the process and required documents that I may need to travel smoothly! - Will I have to check in with the adult that is booked with me or can I check in separately? - What documents will I need to get through the entire check-in, security and boarding process? This includes TSA. - If I do need a form of ID, will a school ID or a birth certificate suffice? - What is the process like for traveling as a young traveler on Southwest Airlines? I want to get an idea and be ready for anything that may happen.
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