06:13 PM
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Please know that there is a difference between a food intolerance and a life threatening food allergy. For you, it's an inconvenience. I understand that. For someone with a peanut allergy, the life-threatening part is real. You may not believe it, but your behavior really could kill my son. Even with all the precautions Southwest takes, there no way to eliminate the risk, just minimize it. For those of us who live with a child whose IgE levels are high, every flight is like stepping into a minefield, and generally we choose airlines that are safer than this one. If you decide to bring your big bag of nuts on a peanut-free flight we couldn't otherwise avoid, know that my response to you will be politely to ask you not open that bag of peanuts near my son. I am then likely to offer you an alternative snack I've brought on board for just such an occasion. But if you insist on your convenience for the next hour being more important than my son's ability to breathe, I may get less polite.
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