I fly pretty often as well and admit I am not really a fan of this service. I do understand it's not a "fee". It's just that because getting on board early was a big deal to me, I was willing to go out of my way to use my computer or iPhone to check in exactly 24 hours ahead of time. I have major anxiety over flying and I'm usually "drugged up" each time I fly, so I'm out of it when I get on the plane. My fiance usually holds my hand and grabs our seat and helps me get in. It's easier if I'm one of the first on board, which is why I made a huge deal out of making sure I was checked in early.
So I just find it a little frustrating that knowing what I was able to do for free, I'd now have to pay $20 r/t to do, which is basically check in as early as possible. I think that what would make me either a) take advantage of this program or b) feel better about my 24 hour check in is if there were a cap on the number of seats that could be taken up by Early Bird check ins. For instance, if A1-15 were for business class, A16-30 could be for Early Bird check in, and the rest could go on as usual. It's not really enticing me to pay $20 for Early Bird check in if you're not even guaranteed A group. If I paid the money and ended up in B or even C I'd be really angry for it. I think a cap is definitely something that should be added to this to make it worthwhile. I truly hope Southwest reads these comments and takes them into consideration. I can see value in this service if it's limited to 15 or so people, just as Business seats are.
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