NO, 42 is not to old!!!! I am 43 will more than likely be 44 before my training. I to have been in healthcare for 23 years. I am currently in the training pool awaiting a date. Keep your dream alive and go for it. SWA was my only choice no other airline would work for me so I went for the BEST!!! Can't wait to be apart of the SWA family and culture. This is a great article. Could not have said it better thanks Carole. Gary A. in BNA
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Hey guy's. Made it through the GI now onto the 1 on 1 next week. I am so excited I can hardly contain myself. What a great experience and the SW people were fantastic. It only solidified what I already knew! SWA is truely the BEST company, airline out there today!!! I can't wait to bring all of my skills and personality to each SW customer and make a difference in their day!
I hope that I can dive into that POOL soon! Get the floaties! Gary A.inBNA
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What a great article! I have been a healthcare professional for 23 years ICU, ER and trauma services . I am often asked why I would leave a healthcare setting to become a FA. Reading this article I could not have stated it better. I would like to bring the skills that I have learned in Medicine to the Friendly Skies and to the passengers of SWA in hopes that I can provide a safe and secure setting for each an every SW customer. I truely believe that safety is the first concern at SW.
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James, Thanks for the insight, any and all information helps. The more I learn the more I can't wait to go throught the process and become a SWA FA. All of the information I read and learn just confirms what I already knew, that SW is the best airline in the industry. I have been a SW customer for 20 years and alot of flights. I am ready to join the fun and experience the SW family spirit. My GI is in MDW on the 13th Wish me luck!! Gary A. in BNA
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