10:01 PM
1 Love
Moderation??? My comment is waiting MODERATION????? What? Now somebody is going to decide whether FREEDOM OF SPEECH is going to be altered because it's a family airline and you don't like what people are saying? This country will destroy your airline.
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09:59 PM
1 Love
Neither airlines nor stewardesses or male stewards have PERMISSION to aribitrarily tell somebody what they can or cannot wear. I HOPE SHE SUES YOUR COMPANY TO PIECES. I have flown SWA for many years. I will NEVER FLY YOUR AIRLINE AGAIN. Suddenly, you've gotten too big for your britches. YOU WILL LOSE THIS LITIGATION - it WILL cost your company MILLIONS of dollars in LOST REVENUES not to mention paying for YOUR LEGAL TEAM and of course, HER LEGAL GENIUSES and lost revenue from all the people who have had it with airlines charging up the wazoo to snub people from the flights. You will also lose millions of customers over this stupid decision.
Oh, by the way, fire the idiot that pulled her from the flight. how DARE you tell anybody what they may or may not wear. What will you do next, tell a nursing mother flying on your cross country flight that her infant must STARVE because it's a FAMILY AIRLINE and she may not BARE her BREASTS to feed her infant? Good going, SWA. You've blown it BIG TIME.
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