Um, hello folks ?
Frontier has been profitable for eight consecutive months and three consecutive quarters.
How many airlines can say that ?
By my count - less than half a dozen; and WN is not one of them.
Sorry everyone - I'll keep my faith in Frontier Airlines.
We all know this is to keep competition OUT of Denver.
For those of you that don't - may I point out that F9 has SUCCESSFULLY competed against WN ? F9 also competed SUCCESSFULLY against UA - even while UA was in Chapter 11.
The only true losers here will be the employees of Frontier and the passengers of Denver and all of Colorado and the other markets F9 serves that WN doesn't -- if WN is allowed to gobble up F9 and L4.
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As a Frontier employee with more than a decade at F9, I have to wonder about WN's real motives here.
We'll buy out the competition and only have to fight UA for market share ? Where's the loser here ? The passengers, of course ! Our passengers support us because they love our airline !
We work for F9 because WE LOVE our airline ! I can't say I'd work for a company that came into DEN day one and stated their main objective was to drive F9 out of business !
As far as why F9 is in Chapter 11, may I point you squarely in the direction of First Data ? First Data sought to keep 100% of F9's credit card transactions, leaving F9 with little choice to file Chapter 11 or lose all liquidity, close our doors and force 6,000 hard working employees out of jobs.
Good for WN ? Sure
Good for F9 ? I don't think so.
Good for the passengers of Denver ? I can't possibly see how.
One more comment before I go... this will increase competition ? Seriously ? Taking over a competitor increases competition ? That's hasn't happened in all my time in the airline industry.
Besides which, have you even considered DOJ Anti-Trust rules when it comes to airline mergers and acquisitions ? Too many overlaps between WN and F9 should get their attention.
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