After a little googling it looks like SW has also had several emergency landing relating to engine failure/trouble and other mishaps.. what is up with the maintenance here?
Anything can happen on any airline, and SW is the safest to date, but this trend is troubling.
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Had there not been recent fines regarding inspections that were supposed to find cracks before something like this happens it could have been shrugged off as a weird anomaly with this plane, but that is not the case.
Next week I will be flying Southwest and while I am not normally a nervous flyer I am sure that every rattle and groan the plane makes during the almost 3 hour flights will keep me on edge from take off to landing.
I really hope for everyone flying on and working at Southwest that this isn't a sign of things to come.
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I'm flying on Southwest next week and between their fines and this "small" hole I am more than a little nervous to get on that plane, which will be a 737-300, next Tuesday and again next Saturday.
Southwest boasts that the average age of their fleet is 10 years, but what that doesn't tell you is that 1/3 of their fleet, the 737-300 planes, has an average age of just over 17 years.
The age of the 707-300 doesn't bother me as much as their deceptive advertising does.
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"Every day as I drive home from work I see accidents on the road"... this may be, but did any of them involve a chunk of a cars roof pealing off for no apparent reason?
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