Just booked with American. Would have cost me almost $500 rt from Seattle to Dallas with SWA for the dates I wanted. I paid $218 for AA. Sorry, SWA. The wait + prices = shopping around.
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Okay, so I wait and I wait until I can book and guess what...
These tickets are more expensive than both American OR United!!!! This is ridiculous! I think SWA has just about lost me for good! Where are our deep discounts???
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04:36 PM
4 Loves
I don't think it's a bad policy at all. I just think some changes need to be made requiring other people who cause discomfort to others to also purchase additional tickets. While having someone "hang over" the armrest isn't comfortable, nor are a lot of other things. The man who is too tall so his knees constantly press into the small of your back through your seat, the parents who can't control their children or don't choose to and allow them to drive their Hot Wheels over the back of your head, the woman who hasn't discovered deoderant (enough said!), and others like these. If the point of the policy is to ensure comfort for as many customers as possible, these other issues also need addressed because they all cause discomfort as well. In addition a change to the policy needs to be made that would allow more uniformity. We don't all have airline seats at home and it would be nice to know ahead of time if you are going to be required to purchase an additional seat. This would also save the ticketing agents a lot of uncomfortable confrontations. Most people would pre-purchase their second ticket if they knew they were going to be required to do so. So listing the width for requiring a second ticket somewhere on the website would be a nice addition. Other than these things, I think it is a smart policy. If you use 2 seats, you should pay for 2 seats.
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04:28 PM
4 Loves
While I usually don't root for either the Bears or the Colts (go Seahawks!), I found myself cheering on the Colts during the Superbowl. I was mostly disappointed in the commercials this year though, except for one shining moment. There was a (GM?) commercial featuring an assembly-line robot and his nightmare about dropping a screw. Best commercial ever! The Coke commercials scared me over to Pepsi though. Doritos had an interesting campaign since the fans wrote the commercials for the Superbowl. Congrats Colts fans, my sympathy Bears fans.
Brian -
Sorry about your Cowboys. I personally was happy to see them go since it meant my team got to proceed (and my dad now owes me dinner - he's in Dallas, I'm in Seattle). I just wish the Seahawks had actually beat the Cowboys instead of Romo beating the Cowboys.
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03:38 AM
4 Loves
I'm trying to figure out why my dog never really tries to eat the cats. I mean, he chases them but I've never seen him actually sit down and gnaw on one. The cats, however, do try to eat the fish. At leats that's what I think they're doing. They bat at the aquarium constantly. I know my dog is a carnivore and not very picky and the smell of cat is obviously something he finds delicious (don't ask how I know this one.) but he has never tried to eat one of them. Oh well, I guess they can't get EVERYTHING right in the cartoons, can they?
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Doris Godfrey (and others)
Please READ the thread before you ask a question that has been answered repeatedly.
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06:24 PM
3 Loves
Only Me,
I don't intend for this thread to become a debate between you and me, however, I did feel the need to point out a few things.
"i donÃ
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09:59 PM
2 Loves
I was so irritated by other people's comments about obesity that I forgot the original reason I logged on to this blog. I agree with the policy, however, I would like to see it prominently posted somewhere the number of inches wide for uniformity. (ie: if you are wider than x inches at shoulder or hip, you will be required to purchase a second seat.) This would also prevent discrimination.
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09:48 PM
3 Loves
In my last post I said "AR" and realized my mistake after hitting send. I meant to address that particular section to "only me"
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09:42 PM
3 Loves
While people who hang over their seat may need to be charged for 2 seats, let's not stop the making everyone comfortable at that! In fact, if you are traveling with small children, you should also have to purchase the row in front of you because nothing is worse than sitting on a plane and having someone's kid repeatedly kick the back of your seat, poke you in the head, climb under your seat and disturb your flight! I mean, after all, it's all about the comfort of the other passengers right? Having children is a choice and if you don't like it, either don't fly or don't have kids. (Sorry, not anti-kid, just making a point here.)
You're absolutely right, you shouldn't have someone's fat hanging over on you. Nor should you have to deal with sitting next to someone who isn't your race, religion, etc. Get over yourself. Many many times, obesity isn't a 'CHOICE'. Most people who are morbidly obese (those mostly affected by this rule) can't just decide to "lose weight". They are the blessed ones though, it is the closed minded little people like you who I truly pity.
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I think Shannon brings up a very valid question and maybe Bill will address it. Those of us irritated (if not angry) but so far loyal customers have waited (im)patiently. Will there be a super sale to make up for our irritation and to attempt to retain the loyal customer base?
As for Steve, you really think Bill made this decision by himself? Wow, he has more power than I realized! How kind of him then to step down from his ivory tower and talk to us lowly customers.
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Rich Beck-
While I am very frustrated with this delay and probably going to end up purchasing my tickets on another airline, I think it is entirely unfair to say that SWA doesn't reply. Bill is replying to us almost daily and his replies show that he actually read and comprehended (therefore "listened") to what we have said. Just because he can't personally change what is going on doesn't mean he isn't "listening".
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I have been obsessiveily checking for the dates to open up. I have shopped the other airlines and if their ticket prices dip down to comparable with SWA, then I guess I'll book with one of them.
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