Hi Bill,
Wow, thanks (all) for the props! Reservations is certainly not for everyone, but I'm surrounded by a great group of indiviuals that really have our customers best interest at heart. I've been a res agent for 13 years and have heard "the voice of frustration" every year before the holiday schedule is released and again before the summer schedule is released. Every year we do our best to pacify those that call every morning and night to see if the new schedule is there. Then we handle those that are gravely disappointed when the schedule is finally released and no $39 fares from coast to coast are available over Memorial Day weekend, fourth of July weekend and Labor day . (Thanksgiving and Christmas on the other end) I've said it once and I'll say it again, we're in business to make MONEY, (which gratefully we are!) hence the word BUSINESS. I see the point of the consumer, I see the point of the person(s) writing the schedules. Sometimes there is a balance, other times there is not.
Hang in there SWA public, the schedule is coming!
Thanks for listening.
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