02:11 AM
Hey good job Southwest! I think we should expand this policy.
Along with the too fat removal... please also add too black... and too white. Albinos... they scare me...
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02:00 AM
Right on!! Southwest, thanks for standing up for us non-obese people. I hate... hate sitting next to a fat slob that stinks and mouth breathes. These people should get a freaking life and lose to weight... I mean damn. They are the ones that are sucking up all the hospital and health care resources, as well as all the KFC.
Instead of flying... try walking fatties.
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01:53 AM
This is a public relations disaster, and you and the rest of Southwest knows it.
Instead of trying to twist and distort the situation (which might I say, you are doing poorly), why don't you guys just bite the bullet and admit that you are wrong.
The pilot of the plane did not make the call to pull Kevin off, it was a desk clerk that pulled a famous iconic director off the plane for a weight criteria that he did not fit.
So I just have two questions:
1. did anybody point out that the dude was freakin' Kevin Smith?
2. how much authority is given to you desk clerks... do they have the power to pull a paying customer off a plane?
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