What a relief SWA is not going to be involved in this deal. Southwest has been a strong company not having to use bankruptcy to show a so-called profit in a down market. It is easy to show a profit when you don't pay creditors.
The airline world is very competitive. SWA can take on the DEN market with customer service, low prices, and absolute determination.
Best wishes to Frontier folks...You work hard and I hope all goes well with Republic.
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Having been with SWA during the merger with Morris I would say it was not perfect. Not everyone was hired but I would guess the vast majority was. It would seem a company should be allowed to select who they would want to hire. I work side by side with Morris folks (almost all realize they are much better off with SWA). I also have friends who work with Frontier, Delta, United, etc. For the most part airline folks are the kindest quirkiest breed you can find.
SWA does not have an exclusive culture, we are a business, and want to be successful!
I am fourth generation Colo. Love the Bronco's, Rockies, and the fabulous state. I hope that if this venture continues it is of benefit to Frontier, SWA, and Colo.
One last note. Those TV's that everyone raves about weigh quite a bit leading to higher fuel charges. For the saving from not paying for checked bags you could probably get a DVD player.........or maybe a book.
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