Hello Hello, I am a 9 year FA with AA and have thought about joining SWA for a few years now. My mother who is also an AA FA is having to retire this year after being off the line since 2003 after having numerous brain surgeries. This family set back relocated me to Orlando a few years ago. It has been a GREAT move and nice to be closer to all my family. I LOVE MY JOB but not fond of knowing that I will be a commuter forever with no end in sight. If anyone has a little info on bases that are usually given to new hires and what kind of lock in periods follow I would LUV to hear from you. Is MCO considered a senior base? I commute on ya'll all the time and would love to part of the SWA family. Thanks for ANY bits of info. Have fun and fly safe!!!! ----Cali email--- metters75@hotmail.com
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01:05 PM
4 Loves
Hello-Hello, I am a 9 year FA with AA and have thought about leaving them and going to SWA. My mother is a FA with AA as well and has suffered numerous brain surgeries keeping her off the line until she retires this year. This family set back has caused me to move to MCO to be closer to family. I LOVE MY JOB but hate having to commute. If anyone could drop me a line and let me know what king of base openings are usually given to new hires and what is the lock in time. I love living in MCO even with all the LIFE TIME MOVIE FAMILY DRAMA and I was just wondering what time frame it might take to get to MCO. Thanks for your time. Have fun and fly safe!!!! --Carli metters75@hotmail.com
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