Brian-- I know that this is not the forum for comments like this, but I'm willing to try anything I can to help my husband find his journal. Since you are "communications manager," I thought you might be able to help, and I figured if any airline was going to hear our story and do its best to help us, it would be Southwest.
When my husband, Ed, and I returned home from Las Vegas on Monday night, we realized that his journal, which he has been keeping since our 17-month-old daughter Hudson's sudden death from meningitis in May, was missing from the things he packed for the trip.
We suspect it must have been left on our outbound flight, Southwest Flight 2743 on Sept. 4 (BWI-LAS-OAK), probably when we deplaned in Vegas. The only flight attendant whose name I remember is Brandy, but we did not talk with her personally. We sat on the very last row on the left side of the plane (if you're facing the front of the plane), middle and window seats. The journal is about 5x7, with a hard, textured cover with multicolored (but mostly green) stripes. It has some pages from another journal attached with a small binder clip to the inside of the front cover. Hudson's name and my name (Mandy) are obviously scattered throughout the journal, and at least the date of her death (May 13, 2010), if not her full name (Hudson Lily Hitchcock Chaney) are written on the inside front page.
I've contacted lost and found at all three airports where the plane traveled, as well as central baggage services/lost and found in Dallas, where someone is on the lookout for it. We also have some friends with flight attendant friends who have posted this on the Southwest crew online message forum. Some folks have suggested getting the airline to search crew rooms in all the airports, etc., as we don't know when it might have been discovered and sometimes things get left behind there.
As you can imagine, this is a much-treasured item, the return of which would be incredibly special to us. If you or a reader can help us in any way, you can contact us at my blog:
Thank you so much.
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