04:02 AM
5 Loves
I feel sorry for the passenger who has a mother who doesn't know how to direct her daughter to proper attire. Parents like her mom should be ashamed of themselves. They need to learn to grow up as well.
With your apology at Southwest, should NBC apologize for having to cloud up the screen so we couldn't tell if the all but undress woman was wearing underwear?
No apology was necessary. I am glad you seek not to offend, but come on if I had to sit next to her, you would be hearing from me big time. Would I bet the same appology? If I wanted to see what a hooter's girl wears or doesn't where, I know where to go. I chose not to. IF I EVER GET ON YOUR AIRLINE AND SEE SOMEONE DRESSED IN SLUTTY CLOTHES LIKE SHE HAD ON, YOU BETTER BE MOVING ME TO FIRST CLASS ON YOUR AIRLINE OR ANOTHER! I hope the seats are disinfected as well.
The whole situation could have been a great P.R. piece for you as an airline...you blew it!
I am humored at you lack of a spine for a CEO! I would ask that you step down for inability to stand for a moral issue. Your credibility is is gone!
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