Personally all this drivel about where you sit on an airplane is complete crap. All the seats get to the same place at the same time, as long as all the required parts of the plane stay where they are supposed to is about all one should care about IMHO. With one exception! Famlies with minor children need to be seated together. What happens if there is an emergency and you are seated 15 rows from your 7 year old. Are you willing to depend on a stranger to place an oxygen mask on your 8 year old before his/her own.
Preboarding can happen quite early and a family of 4 with 2 kids under 12, i can tell you, is not worried about Choice seating. I fly quite a bit and I've never been on a filght that had more that 10% or 15% of the total passengers preboarding with children.
Alternatively, i think you are going to get a tremendous amount of problems where mothers with youngsters that arrive a bit late are running around the plane trying to get someone to give up a seat so her and her child can sit together.
Guess Soutwest is now only catering to "Business" travelers.
Change the policy - i might come back - but my kids are too important
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