11:56 PM
4 Loves
I hear a lot of comments saying "no one to blame but yourself. You're fat, you're gross, you're smelly and I shouldn't have to sit next to you."
These diatribes come from ignorance and hate. I'm not going to buy two seats so that a bigot can feel better. I have sat next to some very objectionable people who were not fat. They didn't have to buy two seats. I had to have an uncomfortable flight.
This is all just ridiculous. It's about greed. The airlines make the seats as small as possible to fit in more people...hence more money.
Not everyone has the money to buy two seats so the airlines are are making it impossible for some people to fly while allowing others. That's discrimination.
I don't care about the opinions of a few ignorant people who think that all fat people are gluttonous, over-eating, disgusting pigs who need to "lose the pounds." The fact that they think in such generalizing terms says much more about them than it does about any fat person they enjoy hating so much.
Southwest is losing my money and many others as well. It probably won't hurt them, but it just might. And perhaps, someday, they will understand what it is they're doing.
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02:01 AM
2 Loves
I used to fly Southwest all the time. I no longer do. I have always been a big girl and although I never encountered a problem with any of my flights, who knows when I will come across that one agent who decides I'm too fat to fly? I refuse to risk the humiliation.
Secondly, I once flew a Southwest flight that was so unbelievable uncomfortable. Why? Because the man seated next to me was WIDE. Not fat. He was very tall and his bone structure made him a very wide man. Wide hips and wide shoulders. I spent the whole flight with the upper part of my torso hanging out into the aisle.
Southwest never would have asked that man to buy two seats. The policy is discriminatory.
I didn't even know about the policy until a couple of years ago when a lot of stories came about because of "unfortunate incidents" caused by the policy itself. Since then, I haven't flown Southwest and I never will again.
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