08:25 AM
Yes airlines have made seats smaller so they can make the isle way larger for the fat phucks to fit in the isle . Way to go SW. the only mistake they made was letting him on the plane they should have a row of seats at the check in desk for a test fit before going down the ramp .
People need to grow up ,its o.k. that a fat person is fat just don`t call attention to it yet fat people can call someone skinny and thats o.k.,skinny people can be offended also but thats o.k.
How many people have not been hired by the state police for not meeting the minimum weight /height requirements , should they be required to hire them and then make a job that they can do ?
Thanks S/W can`t wait to fly your airlines again ,I will have my own seat with no fat rolling into my seat . Your my here
I for one am boycotting his movies
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