03:39 PM
20 Loves
It was Labor Day weekend, 2001, and we were taking a night flight from Kansas City to Indy. The plane originated in LA. As we sat down, a couple of businessmen started talking behind me. They learned they both worked at the World Trade Center. As they commented on the WTC, thoughts went through my mind to the bombing in 93? I thought I couldn't work there after someone tried to blow it up. After we landed, and were waiting for our bags, a smaller statue of a deeply tanned man asked a group of us what security was like at "Dallas". Being kind Americans, we told him about "Dallas". He finally said, "No, No,....Dullis". " Oh, the airport in Washington D.C." said one man, and being the nice businessmen travelers, the group informed him of security at Dullis.
I often think and pray for the businessmen and their families. And, I often wonder about the other man on that SWA flight that night.
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