07:46 PM
3 Loves
I agree with many of you on here, both good and bad! Things are changing and SWA can't always stay the same if they expect to succeed in the future. For goodness sakes people, the Rapid Rewards system has been the same for over 20 years! It's time for a change. There is no way to please everyone and stay in business! Sure, I don't like that it's going to take me more money and more flights because I fly primarily Wanna Get Away fare flights, but so what. Like one poster said, this is a "REWARDS" program, NOT a right! It is a luxury that is given by Southwest and much appreciated. If you aren't happy with the changes then go fly with anther airline and waste your money as you wish, after all, it is your money to waste. I will still fly SWA and I will still use my Rapid Rewards account to earn free flights. Good job SWA for moving into the future!
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03:51 PM
3 Loves
Qualifying for the A-List Preferred under the All New Rapid Rewards program will take 70,000 points or 50 one way SWA flights in a calendar year! To qualify for the regular A-List under the new rapid rewards will take 35,000 points or 25 one way SWA flights in one calendar year. The A-List preferred members will get a 100% point earning bonus and regular A-List members will get a 25% point earning bonus. And the downfall.....you can only earn points for these tiered statuses by flights (NOT preferred partners or your SW Visa card). Hmmmm.......
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03:36 PM
2 Loves
I have been researchning the all new rapid rewards program information on the website and I like all of the perks for cardholders of the SW Visa card from Chase! I however, do not like that I have to spend more money to get the same benefits I was getting with the current rapid rewards program. I will continue to fly SWA because of the low fares and friendly flight staff, but it will NOT be for their new upcoming rewards program.
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