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Southwest Airlines Community

A Different Perspective

Aviator C

A lot of you are familiar with the Southwest Airlines Customer who was asked to cover up her outfit, and there has been a lot of attention devoted to this subject.  In fact, the Customer was on the Today Show this morning.  You might be interested in the perspective of one of the show's producers, Dan Fleschner.

Thanks for your comments. We are closing the comment section. Please see Colleen's new post:
Explorer C
Shame on SWA for treating Ms. Kyla Ebbert in such a rude and unprofessional manner. I sincerely hope that SWA does have a written policy and trains flight attendants on how to handle this type of situation in initial and ongoing training. The arrogance of SWA personnel in instructing Ms. Ebbert to return home to change clothes or buy something in a very pricey airport gift shop is ludicrous. If I was writing an SWA policy I would state the following: "In the event that a passenger and/or SWA personnel find that another passenger's attire is unacceptable, defined as significantly offensive and potentially disruptive of flight operations or passenger safety, the flight attendant shall first determine that if, when seated, the attire would or would not remain objectionable i.e. by use of a blanket, a tray table, magazine, pillow or change of seats or the passenger remaining in his/her seat. If such a remedy exists, the passenger shall be privately and politely asked to utilize such a remedy for the duration of the flight. In the event that no such remedy exists or the passenger refuses to grant the SWA request, the flight attendant shall consult with the immediated supervisor and/or flight crew for a determination as to whether or not the passenger's presence on the flight would be dangerous or highly disruptive to flight operations and/or passenger safety." SWA airlines has a no seat assignment policy and people can sit wherever they choose and flight staff have a high degree of flexibility to move people accordingly. Any offensive person could sit in the very first row of seats or at the back of the plane in which case 95% of the passengers wouldn't even be aware of the "offending" person. SWA flight staff, in this case, apparently did not possess any capability, whatsoever, for intelligent porblem-solving. Truly unfortunate.
Explorer C
You go Southwest!!! Her outfit is definitely not appropriate for a family airline. The crotch shot just proves that the skirt is too short! I'm sure that the other passengers were getting quite a show!!! I will fly Southwest every time I can!
Explorer C
ok Mr. Lusk - ive read "a Different Perspective" - here's my reply. First off, unless you have a WRITTEN, PUBLICLY accessible dress code, its none of your damn business frankly. If a girl wants to dress slutty, thats her business. There were no safety issues. To you Mr Lusk, and all the Today show hand wringers about her crotch-flash -once on the plane itd be damn near impossible for anyone to have seen her crotch - impossible for those sitting behind here and darn near impossible for those in front of her... so in effect your staff made a decision based upon possible views in the WAITING area? It seems you should've gotten her on the plane SOONER, not later. So whats next? stopping 'overly' affectionate couples from kissing goodbye? banning someone for telling an 'overly' dirty joke overheard by others? The problem with morality, Mr. Lusk, is that its in the eye of the beholder at whatever point in time we're at. Oh, and I've NEVER seen your vaunted humorous and upbeat staff keep Mr. "Joe Butt-crack" from getting on the plane - or Mr. "smells like a dead rat". That's far more offensive to me than a girl in a short skirt. And lecturing on dress? my god - osama doesnt need to convert us.....we ALREADY have our own Taliban and Revolutionary Guard here at home. It would be nice to eliminate stupid people as well. But then, at least I dont profess to be able to know exactly who is stupid and who isnt.... Cause it ain't my job....Get it?? To paraphrase Jack Nicholson's Joker in Batman - " this country needs an enema!" By the way Mr. Lusk, I certainly will be looking at Alaska Air for my 12-14 flights a year i've been averaging with Southwest. And if you like to have me over to critique your personal taste in furnishings, autos, clothing etc, I'd be happy to give you my opinion.
Explorer C
Explorer C
Good GOD--GET A FREAKIN' GRIP, PEOPLE! A Supervisor (NOT a flight attendant) called a buxsom, but otherwise not terribly attractive, "Hooters Girl" (now there is resume material...) on the carpet for looking like a streetwalker and flashing her business to everyone that cared to look every time she sat down--just like she did on the Today show today. And for THAT some of you think Southwest should burn in the fires of hell???? WHAT IS WRONG WITH YOU PEOPLE'???? Here's my theory: all of you that swear you'll "NEVER FLY SOUTHWEST AGAIN" probably weren't terribly loyal Southwest customers in the first place. And all of you so full of oddly vehement moral outrage are the same ones that have lost sight of the fact that there is a difference between a a free society with freedom and morals--and a society where lack of morals means you have the freedom to do ANYTHING, without regard to societal mores. And to the one person that asked "would it have made a difference if she wore short shorts?"--YES, IT WOULD. Daisy Dukes at least have fabric covering the crotch--as did the storied hot-pants worn by the girls in Southwest's distant past. This girl's "skirt" (and I use the phrase loosely) didn't. Period. GEEZ.....and good job, once again, Southwest Airlines.
Explorer C
The easy answer is to sue the hell out of Southwest. Additionally, I would name the individual employee in the suit. Really I have never flown Southwest and believe me there are so many other carrier why bother. These people are crazy and for the company to back this employee who is clearly a moron, it shows you what you are dealing with at the corporate level. The solutions have the 96 million people who fly this low class airline stop, trust me when this happens they will certainly remember to treat the customer with respect. If it had been me the story would have been about how a passenger was arrested for kicking a flying waiterÃ
Explorer C
Southwest, I appreciate your stance and emphatically implore you to not budge from your position and continued support for the individual employees involved and your capacity to see to the "needs and rights" of all the passengers on that flight.. I hope this incident causes people to look in the mirror and actually think about what is appropriate. Few entities in this morally bankrupt society have the moral compass or intrgrity to stand for anything. It may be costly for a little while but this too will pass. I hope that the ignorant and uncivilized proponents of litigation realize how many people will be affected. I also hope that they will come to realize that this young woman is or will be someone's daughter, sister, mother, wife, and grandmother. I am a very red blooded American man, but if it was my daughter, sister, mother, wife, grandmother, I certainly would not want her bareing her business for the world to see. Thank you for the opportunity to voice my support. mark
Explorer C
I sold all of my LUV stock this morning. "LUV" ironic.
Explorer C
What crap!! I GUARANTEE that the reason you kicked her off the flight was because some BUSY BODY HOLIER THAN THOU CITIZEN complained!! Get it together Southwest Airlines! Do you really want to wait until Election Day, November 2008, to see the light!! I for one, will not be flying your airline until you fire the employee that took it upon himself or herself to tell the rest of us how we should dress! The last time I checked Southwest Airlines was not owned by Fox!
Explorer C
Look, Southwest Airlines... you royally screwed up on this one. In no way should you be in the business of deciding what is appropriate clothing for your paying customers. We pay and you fly the plane. If you can't get this basic sales relationship and you're place in it then we're going to have to penalize you by taking our business elsewhere. If I had some Southwest Airlines stock I'm sure I'd have sold it today...
Explorer C
Southwest needs to watch its' own TV commercials from 1972, to get an idea of just how ridiculous their flight attendants behavior really is. Just look on You Tube under "Southwest Airlines Hostesses Hotpants Ad 1972". The flight attendants show way more thigh, and actually use it as a selling point to fly Southwest. I am disgusted by the judgments I have seen all over the web of this young lady's clothing and comparison to Paris Hilton. Most of these complaints are surely coming from old people, having convenient memory lapses of their own hot-pants wearing, miniskirt days of yesteryear in the 1970's.
Explorer C
There were a lot of different ways to handle this situation. On an airplane like Southwest's there's very little harm she's going to flash anyone and were that really the main concern simply asking her politely to cover her lap with a blanket would've been more appropriate that taking her off the plane and humiliating her. I am another customer you've lost over this. The absolute lack of appropriate treatment on the part of your CSR and the juvenille way you're trying to vindicate your company makes me sincerely hope that the government stops propping airlines with poor customer service and you can go under like you should.
Explorer C
Now you are hosting a forum for people to further denegrate Ms. Ebbert!? Let the lawsuit commence. I will never, under any circumstances, set foot on your airline again.
Explorer C
I fly alot,,,,,,,,,,,,,,and I will NEVER fly southwest again................ Your idiot who gave that girl all that heartache over her clothes is A DOPE. Gee whiz I can't believe that guy/gal who did this............FIRE HIM/HER
Explorer C
Yeah! I am thankful to all of you who will no longer be flying on Southwest. Thanks! Now I know I will be flying with only decent and respectable people. And your joking if you think other airlines will let her on!! Some airlines won't let you on if your not in business attire. Get real! We all know there is a way to dress for each situation. Save this dress for your club attire. On the TV show this morning they even had to black it out when she sat down. HMMM wonder why? Guess it wasn't appropriate! I am thankful that someone is teaching her, since her mother didn't. (I have heard her mom dresses worse than her daughter does). Yes, it's obvious. Your doing this for the money, If you say you were embarrassed because people were looking at you, why did you wear that skirt? You can't tell me you don't think people were going to stare at you when you are showing your stuff! Southwest has a liberal dress code! This was pushing it, even for them!!!
Explorer C
Ok now its started.. How about removing the Loud, Overweight,People that get on a restricted area and apparently have never used Deodrant??? Some of the flight attendants on SW in the past had a terrible body odor and gave the impression (Its All about Them ) Wake up SW your no angel by any means. Take into consideration all the times you people block the aisles. Wonder if Greyhound has a dress code>
Explorer C
I just hope I get picked for the jury when this young lady SUES Southwest, cause you can bet your sweet ass I will award her the MAXIMUM allowed by law.
Explorer C
SW needs to hire competent, thinking supervisors. Who would want to fly with management that has their prioities mixed with personal issues? No thanks!!
Explorer C
For all of you people applauding their choice; take a second to think really hard about this. You are allowing someone else to determine what is considered appropriate. Scratch that, you probably are too narrow minded to get the problem with that idea since you want to push your own ideas of right on others anyway, so this would be right up your allies. What it comes down to is that it really is none of your business what she's wearing. If you don't like it, don't look. I thought the outfit was cheap and trashy. But that just means I wouldn't wear it myself. That opinion doesn't give me the right to JUDGE another person based on their personal taste. I've cancelled my next two flights here and have rebooked elsewhere.
Explorer C
Why is it anyone's business how someone dresses. We all have parts people! Every person who is not absolutly disgusted by SouthWest should move to Iran where they would be right at home.
Explorer C
i am happy to hear southwest took the effort to have the passenger arange her clothing to be less revealing. it would have been very uncomfortable to be seated near her with my husband and 6 year old grandson. please keep it up. my daughter does the same thing. we taught her differant but it sometimes takes the comunity to help them learn.
Explorer C
Southwest, your treatment of Miss Kyla Ebbert leaves me disgusted. You need to apologize to Miss Ebbert, remunerate her for her stress and embarrassment, and apologize to your entire customer base and if you don't do it quick, I'm finding another airline to book with. Talk about offensive: that is exactly what you are. Used to be I thought you picked employees for being people persons; obviously things have changed! Now it's Witchhunt Airlines! If your passengers have to be careful about wearing clothes outside what one of your employees considers to be the norm, does this mean your customers also have to be careful what they say, how they sit, what they read? If I bring an FHM magazine on board, am I bait for being booted? Where do you draw the line? No shorts for men? Is there a line? Or is it up to the whim of each flight's crew?
Explorer C
I see nothing wrong with her outfit. She has pretty legs; isn't that what most women want? So what if we see her crotch?! Only the sexually impotent and starved will be upset and jealous about that! Cheers to pretty legs !
Explorer C
In your customer Service Commitment you state. Foremost we want you to know that it is never our wish to inconvenice our valued customer. Have to say you failed with this situation SouthWest.
Explorer C
Boo Southwest! 1. If the Southwest employee that removed Ms Ebbert from the flight had cause, then why did he then allow her back on the plane. If he did not have cause, then he behaved poorly and Southwest owes Ms Ebbert an apology. 2. If Ms Ebbert was removed from the flight for a valid cause, Southwest needs to make it's dress code policy clear. While we are at it, I'd much rather be sitting next to someone wearing a short skirt and showing cleavage that fits in the seat, than one covered up that hangs over into mine. So please include fat people on the list of who you won't be allowing on planes. 3. Southwest should have responded to this on the Today show. I'm not sure if Ms Ebbert was in the right or not, but my first reaction was to blame Southwest. The outfit did not look out of place as shown on TV this morning, but how do I know how low the top was pulled down or how high the skirt was pulled up. 4. If this young woman was dressed improperly, shouldn't a gate agent have intercepted her before she ever got on the plane? I mean Southwest is all about being on time and removing someone from a plane can cost precious minutes. 5. I could keep going, but I wont. I'm disappointed that this story, if false, made it to national news. And I'm disappointed in Southwest, who I always feel has the happiest best employees in the industry.
Explorer B
USS BLOG BOY.....finally, a familiar face on this blog!! I read the SWA blog daily, and typically it's all in good fun. Where did all these people come from? Ironically, I interviewed for a CSA job with SWA earlier this week. I feel that this whole situation has been blown WAY out of proportion, especially seeing that it happened over two months ago and is only now gaining national attention. Now more than ever, I'm hoping to be offered a position with this company as it obviously supports its employees even in difficult times. If I'm not lucky enough to become an employee, I'll still continue to fly this airline as they are simply the best in the business.
Explorer C
Southwest, I believe you blew it and really ticked off a lot of your future passengers, (can you say revenue loss) . You need to ascertain the sexual preference of this particular flight attendant and see if this affected his judgement in this matter. If I see even one of your attendants with any cleavage showing or any of the guys with their crotches bulging I'm going to ask them to step off of my flight as I might find their dress offensive. Sounds pretty damn stupid doesn't it. You owe this young lady an apology and this particular attendant a quick reprimand or maybe just a quick exit from a company as forward thinking as yours APPEARED to be.....
Explorer C
THANK YOU SWA for taking a stand against inappropriate dress!! We are 20 year veterans of flying SWA....and LOVE IT!! We took 4 of our grandchildren (ages 8, 10 and 12) on a cross-country flight on SWA last month. I would not have wanted them to have been exposed to this kind of dress. The SWA crew were absolutely the best...which is usually the case with SWA, all our flights were on time, two were early and all our luggage arrived intact. The courtesy and "family airline" atmosphere is what brings us back to SWA time and again. We applaud you and urge you to keep your standards high.
Explorer C
I was very disappointed to see the story about how Kyla Ebbert was treated. Southwest is one of my favorite airlines and its a relaxed feel and quick efficient group. The outfit that Kyla had on was really typical of a 20 something young woman and was decently covered. The thing that really didn't impress me about the article is that her taste was questioned in front of other passengers embarrassing her and putting her on negative display. I think that any time an airline has an issue with a passenger on a personal level that matter should be handled discreetly in the gate tube, away from the rest of the passengers or in a stewards area. Its not appropriate to call unwanted attention to someone. Thats completely unprofessional. - Susan Manley
Explorer C
What's next? If a custumer is offened by a gay person will SW ask them to leave? What about a minority? My husband is much older than I; I am afraid to fly SW because I know people have a problem with us and I wouldn't want to get thrown off the plane. I typically complain about the tort system, but I hope she sues SW into bankruptcy. Those who think others should dress, think and live like they do represent the worst of society.
Explorer C
Thank you for taking a stand in a day in age where moral standards have been thrown out the window. I commend Southwest Airlines for their stance on modesty.
Frequent Flyer B
Yea, Southwest! 🙂 She is dressed inappropriately. Perhaps next time, she'll (hopefully) dress in more appropriate clothes. Maybe she's learned her lesson. I LUV SWA! 🙂
Explorer C
After hearing the story of Southwest Airlines gross mismanagement of this whole situation and especially of the airline's highly arbitrary rules for paying customers, I have decided to never fly Southwest again. As CEO of my company, I am also discontinuing the company account for any and all employees, informing all of my friends and relatives about this incident, and recommending that they choose an airline that will take care of ALL of its customers. Southwest Airlines conduct during this whole matter has been disturbing, and their lack of humility and conciliatory attitude towards its customer is not acceptable in a customer service oriented industry. I encourage anyone similarly disgusted by this airline's actions to "vote with your feet", since there are many airlines that would be happy to accomodate you and treat customers in the proper fashion.
Explorer C
Come on people! Open your eyes and take another GOOD look. This girl has on a skirt that is pulled down so low that the TOP of the skirt is probably 5 inches down below her belly button. Even at that, it looks like her ass will be sticking out should she bend over in any way. Even with her skirt pulled down as low as it can be, she still was unable to keep from flashing the national audience. (Yes, did you miss that? She FLASHED you!) Now remember... THIS is most probably the position of the skirt after she was confronted by the Southwest employee. She said "I pulled her skirt down as far as I possibly could." (That skirt can't be pulled down any lower or it will fall off her!) AND, she was then allowed to fly! Southwest, I TOTALLY support you. If someone dresses like a streetwalker, it IS inappropriate. Southwest should reserve the right to refuse service to anyone. And, they SHOULD have refused to serve the streetwalker and expose their customers to such. I applaud Southwest Airlines and the customer service rep. that had the guts to stand up and say this girl was inappropriate.
Frequent Flyer B
I remember when I was in school (we didn't do this in college, but we did in Jr. high & HS), students had to do the "dollar bill" test; we had to get on our knees when wearing shorts & skirts & hold a dollar bill up to see if they were an appropriate length. USS Blog Boy, I agree with you! 🙂
Explorer C
I can't believe I read all of the comments so far but I did and the gent and his comments below are by far the most intelligent post of the many on here: I fully agree with everything he said, especially #5 on his list. I am so disappointed in Southwest, and Southwest's management, over this issue which has turned into a well publicized fiasco worldwide. Doesn't Southwest have enough other normal operational problems going on, like finding ways to increase their revenue and getting their flights out on time, than to allow some of their boneheaded employees to screw with the customers that they do have? If other Southwest employees think that their "Keith" was right in this situation then they can fully expect us paying customers, if we ever fly Southwest again (I won't unless they are by far the cheapest on the route), to treat them like crap like Southwest treated this customer. My always courteous, cooperative and polite behavior towards them, despite some attitudes by some of them, in the past is now extinct. Hugh J. PO'd FLL and PBI customer ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Best post on here so far: Notice that 99% of posters here that actually support SWAÃ
Explorer C
Southwest, you have lost 20 years of the flying public's goodwill: the incident itself lost you 10 years. And you'd better get the damage control team busy putting a muzzle on Brian Lusk: he lost another 10 years by self-righteously pointing out the problem of a lady in a short skirt sitting down in front of a TV camera. Unless I'm mistaken, there aren't cameras in front of airplane seats...except perhaps on Air Islam. Since when does a male flight attendant run the airplane? Where was the captain or the station manager? Doesn't anybody in San Diego know how to pick up the telephone and ask for guidance? What's *not* politically correct is a Southwest employee imposing one individual's opinion on your customers. Ms. Licuanan's observation that "the way you dress reflects your personality" is one step away from the "She was asking for it 'cause she looked sexy" rape defense. "Old school" is your black next-door deighbor kids forced to attend another school in the crummy part of town. And I'm not going to kill any electrons by explaining to Ms. Licuanan that "character" and "personality" are unrelated concepts. If Ms. Ebbert's attire didn't interfere with flight crew operations (it didn't) and if a sworn officer didn't consider it "illegal" (none did), Southwest has a lot of explaining to do. It's likely you'll be sued for a violation of her civil rights. Personally, I think Southwest's drink coupons are a considerably bigger morality issue than a short skirt. There are drunk pilots and drunk flight attendants ("for your safety"). Booze has damaged more families than short skirts. When did a short skirt cause a safety problem? Were passengers jostling for a seat next to her? The Southwest culture of hugging and kissing could be construed to be...OH NO! SEX ON A PLANE! Oops-sorry, you can't do that either. Sigh. The airline industry provides awful customer service (Southwest may be near the top of the heap but it's a stinky heap). I applaud throwing a drunk off the plane but when FA's bounce somebody for copping an attitude...well, it's stuff like this, and being held hostage on a ramp-bound plane for 8 hours, that makes me an ex-business traveller. I get just as much done, and my business saves money, by using video conferencing. Do you notice that I'm not complaining about anything but service? The TSA is a joke and we don't have any control over the price of jet fuel, but it's pointless to complain. Anywhere I need to go, I can use Delta, Alaska, Hawaiian, or Southwest. I look forward to a full and complete apology from Colleen to Ms. Ebbert, an unsolicited (confidential) settlement offer, and a published policy on the authority of flight attendants on matters other than those related to the safety of the aircraft, passengers, and crew. We expect better, Southwest.
Explorer C
This is an isolated and BIZARRE incident. I think it reflects on the flight attendant making a stupid move. However it does not reflect on Southwest the airline in general. I think 99.9% of the flight attendants would not have done this. Southwest in my opinion is still the leader of America's airlines and I will continue flying them for all the great things they offer.
Explorer C
You have got to be kidding. So the airline who serves peanuts and pretzels by overweight unattractive fllight attendants who cannot seem to smile or even laugh have decided what we can wear in flight. Have you taken a look at the so called out of style uniforms that the flight attendants are wearing? Obviously not. America has become a communistic country with a bunch of out of their mind Christians. It is not our attire that makes us who we are, it is the way we treat others, and obviously embarrassing a young woman is all right, but wearing a miniskirt is not. Who are you kidding. Here is the plan--if anyone wants to join me please email: the next flight you take everyone and I mean everyone should wear a similiar outfit when boarding!!! I think then they will get the message.....whose with me?
Explorer C
Sorry SWA, you blew it big time in allowing this moron to remain employed. She was dressed like the majority of young attractive college kids. You could see nothing untoward. I and my employees have flown SWA for years on both business and pleasure. No more. You've lost my business. And guess what? I dress in a suit and carry a briefcase.
Explorer C
Thank you, Southwest, for taking a stand. I am a single, attractive 20-something. I'm glad that you asked the young lady to pull down her skirt, and you definitely preserved her dignity by conducting the conversation AWAY from the other passengers. FYI - I'm not part of a religious movement. I consider myself atheist. When I was in my early 20's I would have worn the skirt in question... understanding that I wouldn't sit while wearing it. Thank you for not forcing me to unknowingly sit in her nasties on a future flight. She was - and IS - seriously out of line with the publicity. Think she's trying to be picked up by a modeling agency? Absolutely absurd. If I want to see that, I'll check the mirror when I exit the shower.
Explorer C
I was surprised yet appreciative Southwest rebuked this young woman for the way she was dressed. After all, are there not laws about indecent exposure? By the way she was dressed I would assume she was for hire and as of now I know that is against the law!! Thanks Southwest!! I only pray other public places will follow your leadership!!!!
Explorer C
WOW! I don't know why the place of employment for this young woman in being thrown around so much. What did that have to do with the incident? If Southwest wants to have a dresscode policy, fine, whatever, but is should be stated for people to look at in advance. I know a lot of people are saying shame on her for wearing in the first place, she just wanted attention, etc. There was ample time while she checked in, went through security, then sat in the terminal for an employee to approach her and suggest she may need to change or wrap in a blanket ahead of time. No one did. That suggests that this was not a policy of Southwests, or that it is arbitrarily decided. If she was checking in with that outfit on and they let her through security, she should be allowed through. By the time the plane was boarding, how long, exactly, had she been in view of SW employees? Personally, I feel they have no standing to dictate what people wear, as long as they're covered by the legal definition. That aside, they handled this poorly. For all you people who are saying she deserved to be shamed and humiliated for wearing such an outfit in the first place - is that what your Christian spirit is supposed to enforce? What about turning the other cheek - literally - look away from it if you're offended and just know that you would not dress like that yourself or allow your children to do so either. Shame on you, SW, for creating such an embarassing situation for both yourself and this girl!
Explorer C
It is appalling to our freedom that Southwest has chosen to become the moral police of the skies. If this woman could walk through the airport terminal and everywhere else dressed like that, there is absolutely no reason to complain about it on the plane. And to those people who mention "flashing", there is NO WAY anyone can flash anyone in airplane seats. The only thing in front of her is the back of the next row's seats.
Explorer C
When did Southwest Airlines become the morals police? Is Southwest putting a stake in the ground that questionable dress, general behavior and the like will not be tolerated by this "good two shoes" airline? What was the real reason for asking Kyla Ebbert to modify her attire? Was some old biddy of a flight attendant jealous? Did the pilots of the aircraft find her so attractive that they could not keep their proffessional wits about themselves, thus endangering the flying public? If Kyla Ebbert did not break the law in the way she was dressed Southwest had absolutely no right to do what they did. Southwest owes the woman, her family and the fliying public an apology. If Southwest management believes the action to refuse service was a correct one, then they better inject a morals clause, dress code and any other qualification to their tickets. Maybe the wording of such a clause could include "Management reserves the right to refuse service to any individual, at the sole discretion of any Southwest Airlines employee, improperly dressed, acting in an improper manner or are just plain not liked by airline personnel. There is no requirement that an individual would be conducting himself in a manner that would be unsafe to airline personnel and/or the travelling public only that an airline employee made a "complaint". Airline employee discretion is the sole determinng factor. If, in the opinion of airline personnel you have violated this clause, you will be refused service and all monies forfeited. Also, the refusal of Southwest Airlines to provide service does not require an individual to have broken any laws." If Southwest was "embarrassed" by this young woman, they should have bitten the bullet and arranged for her to fly on an airline that would have embraced her business. Instead Southwest has not only ,made this a capital case when it was not even a midemeanor, but they have made a fool of themselves. Hopefully the negative press you will receive teaches you a lesson. .
Explorer C
I want to see Southwest pull off smelly people, people with disgusting feet that take their shoes off, women with disgusting perfume, fat people who disturb the person next to them, tall people who lean back too far...get the picture.... It is unbelievable that you would have the audacity to take a young woman off the plane because some fool objected....if an employee made the decision, he or she should be fired on the spot. Southwest should apologize immediately..i hope the woman sues..she will win big..... The correct course of action if a flyer complained was do not look or get off and find another plane..... Incredibly stupid....I hope your pilots are smarter...
Explorer C
I can hardly believe an airline that prides itself on customer service treated this lovely young women so badly. NOt only do passengers have to deal with security, invasion of privacy searches now the airline is the nazi dress code police. Shame on you. Why don't you spend your time hiring appropriate personnel and leave out the personal judgements. I'll definately pass by Southwest when booking a flight. Neither United nor Delta has ever been so personal.
Explorer C
Customer comes first, customer service, these are becoming lost in todays world.
Explorer C
I'm a Rapid Rewards member and like flying Southwest. However, my opinion of your airline is considerably less after this incident.. I hope she sues you for thousands and gets it! Because, up to what I know now, you have not issued an apology. You were wrong. Admit it. And I loved the way the media pointed out your hypocrisy by showing your old Southwest ads with the mini-skirted attendents. At least offer her free trips for life. As to your prudish employee that humiliated her, I hope that he or she was disciplined. An appropriate punishment cover him or herself in a sackloth while on the job, in case any of the overly sensitive passengers are offended by the race, dress, hairstyle, perfume, jewelry, etc.. Idiots!
Explorer C
Maybe Southwest would like to require their customers to wear uniforms. Then nobody would have to guess how one of your employees is going to react. I, for one, have tired of the heavy handed tactics by the airlines. I already refuse to fly one airline for having left me and others out on the tarmac in the hot sun for several hours, now I will refuse to fly your airline, until you have the decency to apologize. I don't want anybody fired, just an apology to this individual and some counseling for the flight attendants.