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Southwest Airlines Community

Everyone Come Party

Frequent Flyer B
[asset|aid=240|format=image|formatter=asset|title=RBRiPodLogoSmall.gif|width=180|height=179|resizable=true|align=right]Last week, Southwest Airlines served 68 cities across the country, this week were are up to 69! On May 23, Southwest launched service to Northwest Florida Beaches International Airport. But I have a feeling that this airport, not unlike LAX, will be referred to by its city code, not the actual name.  The city code is ECP and it is easy to remember since it allegedly stands for Everyone Come Party!

This week’s episode of Red Belly Radio is about a family I met there and a band with one of the greatest names I have ever heard.

Tim and Holly Klan like to travel with their son Mark. More specifically they like to fly on Southwest Airlines to the cities we serve. Every one of them.  I would wager that most Employees, including Pilots and Flight Attendants have not been to EVERY Southwest City! Yes, the Klans have done that. In fact, now days they travel to our newest cities on the first day of service!