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Southwest Airlines Community

Free Hugs....Give Someone a HUG today!

Adventurer A
I wrote briefly about the Free Hugs movement in one of my previous posts, but wanted to expound on it a little here. Free Hugs was started by a gentleman, named Juan Mann, and the Free Hugs website states:  Sometimes, a hug is all what we need. Free hugs is a real life controversial story of Juan Mann, a man whos sole mission was to reach out and hug a stranger to brighten up their lives. In this age of social disconnectivity and lack of human contact, the effects of the Free Hugs campaign became phenomenal. As this symbol of human hope spread accross the city, police and officials ordered the Free Hugs campaign BANNED. What we then witness is the true spirit of humanity come together in what can only be described as awe inspiring. In the Spirit of the free hugs campaign, PASS THIS TO A FRIEND and HUG A STRANGER! After all, If you can reach just one person... I would encourage you all to give Free Hugs a try!  Be it in a formal setting or informal setting.  Perhaps you can be the vessel to change a person's day because you took a moment to give a "Free Hug".  If you would like to watch the Free Hugs video, click HERE! A friend of mine has a button maker, and I'm gonna see if she will make me some Free Hug buttons.  So, Matt D., if you want one, just let me know and I'll send one your way.
Explorer C
Just a comment on how one of you employees made "lemonade out of a lemon of a day" on Sunday February 25. After arriving at BWI at 7 AM, I found my flight to LA cancelled and a mile long line awaiting me to the counter. Turns out that snow had prevented a bunch of flights from arriving that morning. When I finally got to check in - I was greeted by a cheerful and upbeat employee by the name of Michelle (SWA65513). She diligently tried and tried to find me two connecting flights to get to LA - sometime that day. The best she was able to do was make a tight connection in Phoenix, so she recommended I carry on my bags. She then helped me consolidate 3 bags into 2 and sent me on my way - still smiling. I'm sure Michelle wasn't having a great day either, but she didn't show it - and worked very hard to get me the best route she could. I nominate Michelle for Southwest employee of the month... Russ Mundschenk
Frequent Flyer B
I LUV to hug & be hugged-I really do!
Explorer C
there is nothing wrong with giving someone a hug... I know, i know, in the military it is looked down upon, but hey i am still human. Whenever i see someone having a bad day i give them a hug just to show them that i care. whenever i am down all i need is a simple hug to reassure me that everything is going to be fine..... go hug somebody.. USS BLOG BOY
Adventurer C
I love that campaign!! I have always been a (((((hugger)))) I hug everyone.. Hugs are kind of like smiles , they can be very contagious.. Try it, if you hug a friend that isn't a hugger after a few times they will walk in and automatically hug you first.. The best hugs are those really big ones that you get from kids..They don't hold back when they hug, they give it their all!! So where do we get these buttons?? lol I guess I'll start this.... (((((((((((((((((((((((((Group hugs))))))))))))))))))) for all!!
Explorer C
Is it just me or are other people having trouble posting to the post about Black History month? The post a comment thing does not appear in my browser! Anyhow, I'm posting my answers here because I can't post them where they are supposed to be. 1. March 19, 1941 2. June 13, 1967 3. James Weldon Johnson
Adventurer C
hmmmmmm... Both Leah and Francisco are huggers......External Blog Boy was trying to get them together not long ago......Francisco will be back on terra firma this month......TUL and ABQ are just a short connection (in DAL) away from each other...... Might LUV be in the air this spring??? 🙂
Frequent Flyer C
Where is external blog boy anyways? Shirley, you can't be serious! Ding! boy Joe friedmann
Frequent Flyer B
That's a good one, Phil! 🙂 Who knows?
Adventurer B
I would like to send a hug to the USC men's basketball team who beat Stanford in overtime tonight. UCLA lost to Cal in overtime. Let the march madness begin!!!
Adventurer C
Good question Joe, we haven't heard from the EBB in quite some time...maybe he's working on his next "guest blogger" masterpiece. We can hope! "Yes, I am serious......but don't call me Shirley..."
Explorer C
When I worked for AAnother AAirline I found lots of coins on floors. Now I'm getting SWAshbuckled in hallway hugfests with my head held high. Yes, I'm a sucker for a free hug.
Frequent Flyer B
Hey y'all... Howdy from the Lone Star State, and thank you SO much for missing me and for asking. This is the perfect spot to let you know why I haven't been around as much recently. You know what they say about taking lemons and making lemonade? I'm in the mood for a big hug right about now, and my friends at Southwest are just the folks I would appreciate getting one from, whether you are an Employee or a Customer! After twenty-five years with my employer, I have been laid off as part of a cost-cutting move. Yeah, I was shocked, too. During several weeks of announcements regarding my friends and co-workers, I had really thought that if one of the goals is to get sales up, they'd need good experienced salesmen who had developed long-term and loyal relationships in the marketplace. But, nothing is sacred when changes start, whether it is a VP with 34 years seniority or a regional sales manager with 25 years. So, after a long time of being on the giving side of hugs, the last couple of weeks have put me in the mood to be a recipient now! However, I remain very upbeat, because I know that the Lord took me out of that situation for a reason, and that He has a new spot prepared for me. Whatever that next chapter of my life will be, each of you and Southwest Airlines will always have a special spot in my heart. Thanks, my friends -- I really do LUV you! Kim :-) P. S. Leah is right; she LUVs to hug, and I'm here to attest that she's good at it! Eat your heart out, Francisco!! LOL
Adventurer C
(((((((((((((((((((Kim))))))))))))))))))))))))) Soooooooo sorry!!! Thats gotta hurt!!! You are right though, I bet it did happen for a reason, even if the reason is not clear right now.. With your personality and intelligence you will be moving on to bigger and better things, I just know it!! You can count on me to be sending good thoughts your way!! I realize that I don't post alot here but I have read enough of your posts to see that you are one special person and what a HUGE mistake that company made in laying you off.. Will you keep us posted on whats going on?? I will be watching these boards to see where this new chapter in your life takes you..
Adventurer C
Kim, here's a great big (((HUG))) for you brother! I'm sorry to hear that news... As a fellow Believer I will certainly keep you in my prayers and trust that God does indeed have bigger and better plans for you. (I guess you could look at it this way - you might be able to fully indulge in March Madness...?) I agree with Cindy 100%! Kim, though we haven't met, I can tell that you certainly are a special person, as evidenced by the warmth and positive attitude that exudes from each and every post you grace us with. Rest assured, your blog Family is here for you!! (Okay, Brian, what do we need to start the recruiting efforts? Is Kim's 5th floor office ready yet?? Maybe you could convince Herb to jump into his Maserati and head out to Kim's for a recruiting visit?!)
Adventurer A
Kim, I am sorry to hear about your job and i will keep you in my prayers. We all know that God allows certain things to happen for a reason. Here is a e-mail hug........................ Are you guys trying to match two bloggers together???????????????????? You guys are the cupid bloggers...... For your info i will be leaving on deployment within the next three weeks............................. i am going to miss u guys... USS BLOG BOY
Explorer C
If I could get one of those free hug buttons... I'd give you a free hug!
Adventurer B
Kim, I'm very sorry to hear about your job. I'm sure you will find something better. Maybe a job at Southwest Airlines could be in your future... 😉
Frequent Flyer C
Kim, Wow, so sorry to hear that. Brian needs a candy corn refiller, Herb needs some one to keep the wild turkey chilled and Francisco can use someone to find that airplane part he lost and a date with Leah. Bill needs someone to pick up all the schedule papers strewn around his office and Colleen needs a driver. Finally, we all need a spell checker! No new messages to display. Stay tuned for more exciting Ding! offers. Ding! Boy Joe Friedmann
Adventurer A
Joe.................. i second the spell checker....... bad news i can't download ding on our government computers... you would think it would save the government a lot of money!!! USS BLOG BOY
Explorer A
Kim, Sorry to hear about the job situation. I am sure SWA could use you. I would guess you would be a great fit in marketing or maybe James could mentor you in the fine art of passing out peanuts and making safety annoucements. Whatever you do, I hope you find a job that makes you happy.
Adventurer C
Wow Kim, that is a shock. My apologies, sympathy, and prayers are with you and the Mrs. Seale. Anything anybody here can do to help? It is a very small world, maybe if you post a brief description of what you did (for the company who made a huge mistake by removing you) someone here might know of something. Jim
Frequent Flyer B
Jim (and everyone else), Thanks for the very kind words! Yes, it was a bit of a shocker, to say the least. Not as disconcerting as when my own Mother admitted that I was not her biological child, but had, in fact, been dropped here in Dallas in the 1950s by some aliens who misspelled "Roswell" on Mapquest, but troubling nevertheless. :) As far as networking, if I can get away with a short job search plea here while Brian is off taking a candy corn break... In my former job, I was a Regional Sales Manager for a manufacturing company, responsible for sales across four states. During my tenure with them, I spent the first twenty years also managing a sales office and regional warehouse in Dallas, before the company decided to close that operation. I've supervised hourly and salaried employees in office, warehouse and sales positions. My customer base included OEMs, distributors, and retail dealers. I've taught seminars, led motivational/training meetings and handled extensive educational programs about products to architects, engineers and city governments. Oh yeah, I also got to fly on Southwest Airlines and eat lots of peanuts. For those who have offered the opinion that I should go to work for Southwest based on my unofficial 'cheerleader for SWA' role, your input is a nice confirmation that I was taking the right midlife career-change step of asking to be considered for a position there over a week ago! Maybe the Southwest Employees who read this blog will put in a good word for me or realize that I'm JUST the person they've been wanting in their department. I'm not proud; I'd even be honored to be Brian's Candy Corn Dispenser Refill Supervisor! Thanks again, my blog buddies! Kim 🙂
Aviator C
Ah grasshoppa, One must be patient with candy corn. One must become one with the candy corn. One must commune with the candy corn and feel its pain. Only then will one reach the first level of zen. Wise Blog Boy
Frequent Flyer B
I think I read that same advice years ago in a famous book titled "Zen and the Art of Candy Corn Maintenance".... Trying to get my legs into the lotus position under the keyboard, External Blog Boy
Explorer C
Speaking of Zen, I'd like to impart some of my own wisdom (?): Renee Descartes, famous French philosopher, said in Latin : "Cogito ergo sum", which transllated means "I think, therfore I am". However my interpretation is: "I think, therefore I THINK I am". Don't Zen Masters say it's all an illusion anyway? Kim, good luck on your job search. Remember, when one door closes, another one opens........
Frequent Flyer B
Maybe Brian & Kim could invent Candy Corn Dispensers, similar to Pez Dispensers, & they could be sold in grocery stores! :) Southwest Airlines is So Wonderfully Awesome!
Frequent Flyer B
Kim, if I were able to apply again now at SWA, I think it'd be neat if you & I could apply for FA & CSA positions! Well, you can, but I have to wait; I still want to try again, but it will be a few years. I don't want to give up, though! SWA LUV!
Explorer A
ok, so kim, i think you would be perfect for any position here at swa! i came from sales background. now i work in maintenance! i love it! i do miss sales sometimes 😉 but I LOVE being here at SWA! hmmm, See God shut door, see him open window!!!!! Good luck in which ever direction you go.
Frequent Flyer B
Tamra, Thanks for the encouraging words! You know, a few months ago, I was chatting with someone when the topic of me being in sales came up. I offered him an opinion that he had not thought of before, but which reflects my feelings about the business world and whatever part of it you might occupy. When he commented that from his perspective, what I did was tough because being "in sales" is a hard job. My reply was that I thought we are ALL in sales. The checker and sacker at your neighborhood grocery store are in sales; they are the sales and marketing people who most impact you on a regular basis as a shopper. The switchboard operator who answers the incoming calls at a company is the initial sales person that you're likely to encounter. The fellow at the front door of many buildings in places like New York City is a salesman who speaks volumes on behalf of his employer when he says "good morning". Whether your job title includes the word 'sales' or not, I believe that in some way, whether to internal or external customers, you ARE in sales. First, you're selling yourself. Second, you're selling your company or your department. Third, you're selling the philosophy of your employer. I was taught a long time ago that even though a caller cannot see you, a phone should always be answered with a smile, because they can hear it in your voice. Several months ago on a trip, I made a sales call at an office that I had not been to before. This particular office was configured with an entryway with one of those sliding glass windows with a receptionist behind it. When I approached the opening to present my card, I was struck nearly speechless by what I found. This smiling lady had one of those engraved name plates that sits at an angle in a metal holder up in the windowsill. Beneath her name was her job title: "Director of First Impressions". WOW!!! Someone at that company 'got it' in terms of understanding that she was more than a receptionist! This woman was the first employee that a visitor to their offices would meet and she and her bosses KNEW that her attitude was critical. What kind of job would we all do if we recognized the responsibility that WE carried on behalf of our employer? Kim P. S. By the way, Tamra, the "direction" I'd like to go would be 225 degrees on the compass. LOL 🙂
Explorer A
Kim, what you said above is so true! that's why you would be perfect here! we all have customers. internal and external! and you "get it". i use to sell cars...and the first thing i learned is that my customers "bought" me then they bought the car. no matter how much they loved the car, if they did not like me, they were not going to buy. thankfully, i seem to be a pretty fun person to be around and never had any problems...well, maybe one...but that's a whole other story :) good luck to ya.
Aviator C
Hey Tamra, How many times did you have to say, "What's it gonna take to get you in this car today?" What's the real story when car salespeople "take" your offer to the manager? You can spill the beans now! Kim, that's pretty funny. I got a map out to see where 225 degrees points from Dallas, and it aims at the Gulf of California or maybe later on Hawaii. Then it dawned on my that 225 degrees points to the southwest. Blog Boy
Frequent Flyer C
Brian, the phone at the salespersons desk is a two way radio. They can hear everything you say while they are away. ;-) I wonder if Tamra could find a replacement airplane part for Francisco since he mentioned he lost one. You have a little typo in your post. I'll let you find it before I say what it is. 1/2 block north of the current location Ding! boy Joe Friedmann
Frequent Flyer B
Hey Blog Boy, Glad you got it! :) EBB
Explorer C
Wow. I just have to say how much this video has inspired me, I'm going to try my very hardest to find some way to reach out to the world, I know that one of my personal goals is to make a difference in the world, some sort of way that I can help people and make change in this world, that is so desperate for change. I believe that Juan Mann had completely changed my life. He has inspired me, he is my hero, and if I could pick anyone to meet. I think it would be him. I absolutly envy him. He's an amazing man, although I've never met him, I think what he has done is beautiful, and I'm sure he's changed lots of people's lives. I think that this world needs help from people who are willing to help, and there are so many others out there like Juan, who can change lives. I'm proud of him for that. And if I could achieve something like that in my life time, I would give anything. So thank you so much Juan Mann, I am inspired forever by you
Explorer A
Christina - allrighty, folks...I have about 30 Free Hugs buttons left, so if you all want one, email me at my personal email address and the first folks who email me, I'll put them in the mail to ya. I'm also glad you enjoyed the post! James MDW Flight Attendant
Explorer C
Lots of postive enery. Is this limited to Southwest Arline employees? I was looking for a free hug(really) and Southwest Airline pops up. I love you guys! I would really like to collect on that free hug and come to work for y'all in Dallas!
Explorer C
How can I come work for y'all and collect on that free hug!