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Southwest Airlines Community

Happy Birthday, Leah!

Aviator C
I think anyone who has read the comments in our blog will be familiar with Leah, one of our longtime blog readers.  Even though most of us haven't met her personally (except for External Blog Boy, Kim Seale), we consider her a friend (and, a fellow Nut About Southwest Airlines).  Well, today (July 26)  is Leah's birthday, so consider this your blog birthday card, Leah! Let's make this an electronic birthday card for her, so add your own wishes.
Explorer B
Leah, Wishing you the happiest of Birthdays!!!! Erin Duck Girl
Adventurer B
Hey happy birthday Leah! :o) and best wishes for the coming year, may it include some good news from Southwest! :o)) Raphael
Frequent Flyer B
HAPPY BIRTHDAY, LEAH! So glad your part of this crazy bag of nuts!
Explorer B
Leah - Happy Birthday from one Leo to another!! I'm sorry I missed you when you came thru St. Louis, but your information was right - I'm off enjoying my summer vacation - part of which included celebrating MY birthday on the 25th! I hope your travels bring you back thru STL, and that we have the chance to meet then. In the meantime - Cupcakes with sprinkles for everyone!! Have a great, wonderful, enjoyable, memorable birthday!!
Adventurer C
WTTB just wants to say, "Happy Birthday Leah!" (Did Francisco send you a card?)
Adventurer C
Happy Birthday Leah! I've going to have to put you on retainer for all the questions and encouragement you give our job seekers out there! I hope you have a wonderful day.
Explorer B
Happy Birthday Leah! Good luck on getting on with Southwest!
Adventurer A
FUTURE SOUTHWEST FA.. So i hear you turned 21 today.. 🙂 Happy birthday.. hope you have a great day... USS BLOG BOY
Adventurer B
Happy Birthday! Don't get cake on your keyboard. Candy corn is OK, though, as it is easier to clean up.
Explorer C
Oh, you JUST missed being a Crab... too bad, we were hoping you'd join us.. Just disembarked from a flight from a work trip to Austin and was feeling so much Texas love that I had almost forgotten it wasn't even a Southwest flight! I wish it had been though. Happy Birthday, Leah. --D.Ronen
Adventurer C
Happy Birthday Leah!! I would sing to you but I'm afraid they might block me from the Hope you have a great 21st B-day, don't forget to make a wish when you blow out those candles!! Birthday ((((((((hugs)))))))) to you!! Cindy
Frequent Flyer B
Hey to my Okie buddy! Happy Birthday to someone who is possibly an even more fanatical fan of Southwest than me! I hope that your trip to Orlando went well and I'm anxious to hear all about the Positively Outrageous Service you got on that airline you flew on. What was the name of the carrier again? :) Best wishes always to my good friend and fellow SWA Employee-wannabe! Kim Burnt Orange Rival to your state but still your pal 🙂
Explorer A
Happy Birthday Leah and fellow LEO! There is nothing better. haha In honor of your B-Day If you'd like, and Blog Boy will give my email to you via PM I would be glad to talk to you about Interviewing at SWA. I used to be an Inflight Recruiter a few years ago and could speak with you about it. I can't give you any answers about your past interviews, or what exactly all the questions are, but I would be glad to help you out where I could, and at least give you "my opinion" on what you could work on.
Frequent Flyer C
Happy Birthday Leah J! Product specifications on reverse side. Ding! boy Joe
Frequent Flyer B
Joe, I don't get it...I looked on the reverse side of the screen and all it says is "Dell". Kim 🙂
Adventurer B
Happy birthday Leah! May your birthday be filled with a candy corn layered cake, peanuts, and soft drinks! Jedi Blog Master
Frequent Flyer C
Kim, You have to remove the dell sticker to see the specs. Not taking myself too seriously Ding! boy Joe
Explorer C
Leah, Happy Birthday! I do read the SWA Blog and never write in, but I noticed you are a longtime blogger and a very popular one I might add. I myself LUV SWA, I think it's a great airline and a great place to work. Hope your trip to MCO was a good one. Good luck with any interviews you may have with SWA. Laura
Frequent Flyer B
Aww, thanks everyone! I appreciate the messages! I had a great birthday! I took pictures of my cake, which said SWA LUV! It sure tasted good. I still have some left. *Passes out cake.* Ah, I'd love to be 21 again, but I don't feel any older! Hey, that's neat you & I have our birthdays a day apart, Mary! My youngest niece has the same birthday as you! I hope you had a good vacation wherever you went! Today at work, I saw one of the residents had some candy corn in her room! I had to smile at that! :) Kim, I'm sure glad I didn't fly AAnother AAirline to MCO! I got to help serve snacks, get my pictures taken with the FAs & one of the pilots, & one FA gave me another inflatable Spirit plane! I wish it were last Thursday, because I had my trip to look forward to! I had a wonderful time. Yes, Eric, I'd like to have your email please. We can chat more about interviewing with SWA. That would be great! I didn't get a card from Francisco. I bet he doesn't have my address! That's a good one. Southwest LUV to all, from Leah the Leo 🙂
Frequent Flyer B
Happy belated birthday, Mary! *Throws confetti & passes out punch, peanuts, cake, & candy corn.* 🙂
Not applicable
[...] this where you see posts from a wide range of contributors in very different jobs at Southwest (Communications, Captains, Executives, flight attendants and mechanics).  It makes for a much more [...]
Explorer C
Leah! Happy Belated Birthday! We've been on the road - traveling by car and I'm so glad to have a few days to get out and stretch my legs! So, hope your bday was happy and you were surrounded by friends and family! My wish for you this year of course is to be a member of the SWA family, as I know you've waited and wished for sometime....may your wishes and dreams come true. Jenny
Frequent Flyer B
Thanks, Jenny! 🙂 I had a good birthday; it was fun. I have the same wish. How did your trip go, & how many cities have you driven to? It's too bad you didn't fly SWA! Maybe next time. AAt leaAAst you didn't fly AAnother AAirline! 🙂
Adventurer B
Funny comment of the day........ So I'm on the phone with a CCR doing a name correction when she says out of nowhere (she's a reader of the blog) and out of nowhere she says: "can't we just GIVE Leah a job with us already?!?!?! Should we start the petition? And Kim too!" Jedi Blog Master
Frequent Flyer B
Amen, Jedi Blog Master!! That's too funny; I LUV it! 🙂
Frequent Flyer B
P.S. I do already know how to pass out snacks! I just need trained for everything else! 🙂 Now, as for CSA, I need trained on everything, except for taking the tag off (with my destination, etc., on it) before checking in, putting my bag on the scale to weigh, & putting in on the conveyor belt; well, I've never done the last thing. I'll start the petition to hire Kim & me now: 1. Paco Cerda, aka Jedi Blog Master 2. Leah Johns 3. Kim Seale 4. Name unknown-the lady who made that comment :) 5. SWA LUV! 🙂
Frequent Flyer C
5. Ding! boy I have an orange glow :-) Go # 20 wohoo!!!! Ding! boy Joe
Adventurer C
OK Leah, here's my birthday gift to you: West Texas Blog Boy respectfully submits his name to the fifth position on the petition. I would LUV to see you and Kim get jobs with SWA!
Frequent Flyer C
Too slow WTBB! You can have spot 6. :-) A purchase will not improve your odds of winning but helps our bottom line! Ding! boy Joe
Frequent Flyer B
Thank you, Ding! boy & Jim! 🙂 Let's see how far we can keep this going. You know, even though I'm 31, I don't feel like it! :) SWA LUV!