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Southwest Airlines Community

Not So Silent Bob

Frequent Flyer C

Many of you reached out to us via Twitter last night and today regarding a situation a Customer Twittered about that occurred on a Southwest flight.  It is not our customary method of Customer Relations to be so public in how we work through these situations, but with so many people involved in the occurrence, you also should be involved in the solution. First and foremost, to Mr. Smith; we would like to echo our Tweets and again offer our heartfelt apologies to you.   We are sincerely sorry for your travel experience on Southwest Airlines. 

As soon as we saw the first Tweet from Mr. Smith, we contacted him personally to apologize for his experience and to address his concerns on both Twitter and with a personal phone call. Since the situation has received a lot of public attention, we'd like to take the opportunity to address a few of the specifics here as well.

Mr. Smith originally purchased two Southwest seats on a flight from Oakland to Burbank – as he’s been known to do when traveling on Southwest.  He decided to change his plans and board an earlier flight to Burbank, which technically means flying standby. As you may know, airlines are not able to clear standby passengers until all Customers are boarded. When the time came to board Mr. Smith, we had only a single seat available for him to occupy. We are responsible for the Safety and comfort of all Customers on the aircraft and therefore, we made a judgment call that Mr. Smith needed more than one seat to complete his flight. Our Employees explained why the decision was made, accommodated Mr. Smith on a later flight, and issued him a $100 Southwest travel voucher for his inconvenience.

You've read about these situations before. Southwest instituted our Customer of Size policy more than 25 years ago. The policy requires passengers that can not fit safely and comfortably in one seat to purchase an additional seat while traveling. This policy is not unique to Southwest Airlines and it is not a revenue generator. Most, if not all, carriers have similar policies, but unique to Southwest is the refunding of the second seat purchased (if the flight does not oversell) which is greater than any revenue made (full policy can be found here). The spirit of this policy is based solely on Customer comfort and Safety. As a Company committed to serving our Customers in Safety and comfort, we feel the definitive boundary between seats is the armrest. If a Customer cannot comfortably lower the armrest and infringes on a portion of another seat, a Customer seated adjacent would be very uncomfortable and a timely exit from the aircraft in the event of an emergency might be compromised if we allow a cramped, restricted seating arrangement.

Explorer C
This apology is as pathetic as the one I got when one of your flight attendants decided to have a supiority trip over my 18 mos old daughter who was happily and quietly sitting in her seat, which I paid for as well. Not only was your employee rude and snotty to my child, they completely ignored the plea's of the other passengers who told her to leave my child alone. What had my child done, happily played with a better opperated toy that had a little bell that she heard ring. As soon as she demanded we turn it off, my child who has NEVER had a problem flying on cross country trips, usually riding in first class, had a melt down because she wanted her toy... Southwest, is truly a Cattle car mentality, they don't serve humans and they happily defend their employees rude and inappropriate actions by pointing out their rules... What an airline... I am sure they will lose a lot more passengers from this and for that I am glad....
Explorer C
I never flew in my life but if I had to and had to sit next to Kevin Smith I wouldn't mind at all. I really don't think he is that big. I watch the Airline shows which were about Southwest and I saw a few of the employees tell a few passagers they would have to buy another ticket because they in their eyes they were fat . One lady was crying and the employee and anther guy didn't care at all. I did feel she was big but these employees embarrased her to the point of tears. Some don't have the extra funds to buy the extra ticket they are expensive as it is. I am not fat nor am I skinny but I would be able to sit with my daughter in one seat so why make me buy 2 separate tickets instead of 1 and make the bigger people buy 2 separate tickets. I find all airlines are unfair in some areas even though I haven't been on a plane yet and if this is what I can look forward to I never want to fly.
Explorer C
So does Southwest think it is appropriate to blog about somebody's personal travel information? I don't believe it's ethical. It may even border on data protection breech. Good customer service comes from admitting a problem, empathizing with a customer, and finding a resolution. Not posting a customer's name, past travel information, and Southwests personal judgement on the internet. The issue here is not 'size' but proper usage for customer data. I've flown Southwest in the past and will never use the airline again. Not because of Kevin Smith, but because I don't want my personal information pasted for all to see and judge. I will advise everyone I meet to do the same.
Explorer B
He sat in the seat and put the armrests down. This post is pretty pathetic. Do I trust a giant corporation or a lousy filmmaker? I'll trust Kevin Smith's word over SWA's. I just flew from Little Rock, AR yesterday and my brother is larger than Kevin Smith and he did just fine. WTF SWA?
Explorer C
As a loyal larger customer I would like to tell you that you have a hell of a nerve doing that to Mr. Smith. You really need to have serious conversations with flight crews, especially the pilots, about these situations and need serious lessons on common courtesy. You, again especially pilots, have been very rude to me many times because I'm large and just because you're number one right now doesn't mean you will be very long with the horrible attitudes of your insanely arrogant pilots. Just because you think you're a big shot pilot does not mean the sun rises and sets on your ass. Get over yourselves aholes. And SWA… you have an obligation to your customers to get your pilots to understand “We Are People” not cattle.
Explorer C
Southwest hates fat people
Explorer C
"If a Customer cannot comfortably lower the armrest and infringes on a portion of another seat..." Mr. Smith DID pass the arm rest test. Furthermore he is using his platform to stand up for people who don't have one. If he passed this test then SouthWest has no place to stand on this issue. I'm not asking you to change your policy, I'm saying I won't be spending my money with your airline anymore. I disagree with any company that can state it has a policy then ignores it and humiliates someone.
Explorer C
Explorer C
Well, being a “Customers of Size” myself I always buy (2) seats on every flight just as Kevin Smith did. After hearing how he was treated I can assure you that I will never fly Southwest Airlines if this is how paying customer’s are treated. There is enough prejudice in the world as it is who needs it from a company; I for one certainly will not "pay" a company for that kind of treatment. This is how upset consumers make our voices heard, with our wallets; I'll take my two tickets to another carrier thank you. If you change your “decades-old” policy then look us “Customers of Size” up and we may consider giving you our business. Shame on you Southwest, very bad form.
Explorer C
Explorer C
You should change your topic to EGG ON YO FACE!!!!! This is Total B.S He is not THAT big. I myslef have sat next to much larger people on a flight. Airlines are getting too cocky with all the new fly rules, picking and chosing who they will enforce them on. They picked the wrong dude to mess with, they thought he was just a typical "chubby" dude that they could fuck with! THINK AGAIN JERKS!!!! You messed with guy that can expose your crap. Maybe next time yo will make sure you are not messing with a person that can directly expose you for your bad customer service.
Explorer C
Wow, what a mealymouthed apology. In the future, to apologize correctly: Specifically state what it is you (or your agents) did that was wrong, and apologize sincerely for it. Nowhere in the above, do you see "and then try and justify your actions for another few paragraphs." Southwest, that's not an apology, and we're not buying it. Pathetic.
Explorer C
I was on the flight that they put kevin on after they rudely kicked him off the first flight. When I was put on the flight they seated me on the end of the row he was sitting. I assume it was because I am also plus size and they figured grouping us together would ensure no one would want to sit between us. After having to sit in the front row, and have all the eyes of every passenger staring at us like we are a freak show, and hearing al the "oh my gods" and giggles. Customer Service came on to the plane and asked for me to get off and come talk to them. The woman was demanding that I sit somewhere else and that I would have to purchase another seat. I told her that I fly southwest about 1-2 times a month and have NEVER had issue or had to buy the seat, that if needed i could put the arm rest down. She said that I would still need to buy a seat, (but the only seats left were those in the middle) I toldd her that I paid for business select so I could sit where I wanted and not have to worry about sitting in the middle seat. I didn't know what to do. I asked the customer service lady if they would just ask the man sharing the row with me if he cared if I could sit on the end since the woman claimed he had purchased the middle seat that she felt i was intruding. She said he didn't want anyone in that seat. So said what am I suppose to do. At this point I couldn't hold back tears because I felt like I had just been paraded around like some freak show, and now being repremended for being to fat to fly and that I need to figure out how to fix the problem, yet every solution I come up with is abuptly torn down. After customer service talks to the flight crew they finally let me back on the plane back to the seat I was origianally placed in. I really didn't want to talk to anyone or look up from the floor because I was trying my best to hold in the tears and sniffles but finally after I was able to I smiled at the guy on the end (kevin) he then shared his story about being a "flight risk" on the previous flight. Kevin thank you for standing up for those of us with a voice but no name. Most of all THANK YOU sharing that seat between us so that I wasn't booted off the flight. lol
Explorer C
From your policy, a related issue of the broad-shouldered person is addressed. Your answer is "Simply having broad shoulders would not necessarily prevent another Customer from occupying adjoining seat. The upper body can be adjusted, but the portion of the body in the actual seating and armrest area doesn’t have this flexibility. " Southwest, please tell us whose responsibility it is to "adjust" so that the two customers aren't touching. And, why was Mr. Smith taken off the flight if his armrests were lowered? That is also right out of your printed policy: "What is the definitive gauge for a Customer of size? The armrest is the definitive gauge for a Customer of size." Are you saying that Mr. Smith is lying about his armrests being able to be lowered?
Explorer C
Kevin Smith states he fit in the seat, was able to buckle the belt without an extender and was able to put down the arm rests. He was still removed and then treated poorly by employees. He was then on a later flight where he rode in one seat with the lap belt fastened. If he passes the tests then he should be allowed to fly. I'm 6'10 and SW never accommodates my situation so I don't use them anymore. Just one more reason to stay away
Explorer C
I was on the flight that they put kevin on after they rudely kicked him off the first flight. When I was put on the flight they seated me on the end of the row he was sitting. I assume it was because I am also plus size and they figured grouping us together would ensure no one would want to sit between us. After having to sit in the front row, and have all the eyes of every passenger staring at us like we are a freak show, and hearing al the "oh my gods" and giggles. Customer Service came on to the plane and asked for me to get off and come talk to them. The woman was demanding that I sit somewhere else and that I would have to purchase another seat. I told her that I fly southwest about 1-2 times a month and have NEVER had issue or had to buy the seat, that if needed i could put the arm rest down. She said that I would still need to buy a seat, (but the only seats left were those in the middle) I toldd her that I paid for business select so I could sit where I wanted and not have to worry about sitting in the middle seat. I didn't know what to do. I asked the customer service lady if they would just ask the man sharing the row with me if he cared if I could sit on the end since the woman claimed he had purchased the middle seat that she felt i was intruding. She said he didn't want anyone in that seat. So said what am I suppose to do. At this point I couldn't hold back tears because I felt like I had just been paraded around like some freak show, and now being repremended for being to fat to fly and that I need to figure out how to fix the problem, yet every solution I come up with is abuptly torn down. After customer service talks to the flight crew they finally let me back on the plane back to the seat I was origianally placed in. I really didn't want to talk to anyone or look up from the floor because I was trying my best to hold in the tears and sniffles but finally after I was able to I smiled at the guy on the end (kevin) he then shared his story about being a "flight risk" on the previous flight. Kevin thank you for standing up for those of us with a voice but no name. Most of all THANK YOU sharing that seat between us so that I wasn't booted off the flight. lol
Explorer C
OMG i cant believe that this Kevin Smith guy gets to blame somebody else for him being fat, and that people fall for this shit. These guys are an awesome airline going above and beyond what others are doing by giving him apologies and refunding money if the airline isnt full, and he's just being an asshole. If you eat yourself far, then you are responsible for your size. There is NO excuse for being overweight other than eating to many calories, its basic thermodynamics. There is only 1 singular eating disorder that will make you eat non-stop, and i very much doubt he has prada willi syndrome! Anything else is just an excuse, and I do know what im talking about, i used to be well over 300lb until i lost weight, and educated myself. If you are fat its because you are eating too much. If you eat yourself to become fat enough too require 2 seats, then pay for them!
Explorer C
I was on the flight that they put kevin on after they rudely kicked him off the first flight. When I was put on the flight they seated me on the end of the row he was sitting. I assume it was because I am also plus size and they figured grouping us together would ensure no one would want to sit between us. After having to sit in the front row, and have all the eyes of every passenger staring at us like we are a freak show, and hearing al the "oh my gods" and giggles. Customer Service came on to the plane and asked for me to get off and come talk to them. The woman was demanding that I sit somewhere else and that I would have to purchase another seat. I told her that I fly southwest about 1-2 times a month and have NEVER had issue or had to buy the seat, that if needed i could put the arm rest down. She said that I would still need to buy a seat, (but the only seats left were those in the middle) I toldd her that I paid for business select so I could sit where I wanted and not have to worry about sitting in the middle seat. I didn't know what to do. I asked the customer service lady if they would just ask the man sharing the row with me if he cared if I could sit on the end since the woman claimed he had purchased the middle seat that she felt i was intruding. She said he didn't want anyone in that seat. So said what am I suppose to do. At this point I couldn't hold back tears because I felt like I had just been paraded around like some freak show, and now being repremended for being to fat to fly and that I need to figure out how to fix the problem, yet every solution I come up with is abuptly torn down. After customer service talks to the flight crew they finally let me back on the plane back to the seat I was origianally placed in. I really didn't want to talk to anyone or look up from the floor because I was trying my best to hold in the tears and sniffles but finally after I was able to I smiled at the guy on the end (kevin) he then shared his story about being a "flight risk" on the previous flight. Kevin thank you for standing up for those of us with a voice but no name. Most of all THANK YOU sharing that seat between us so that I wasn't booted off the flight. lol
Explorer C
Poor Southwest. Poor, Poor Southwest. WAH WAH WAH.
Explorer C
Tsk Tsk Tsk....Southwest throw a man off of a flight because he was a litlle large...even tho he did have his armrests down & needed no seatbelt extension??...I've seen Kevin Smith niumerous times...he's not that large...I've seen & sat next to people who are much heavier and nothing was said to these people..I've been seated next to people who smell terrible...will you be chucking them off the plane next because they violated your "no stinkies" policy?? Or what about the woman next to me with a screaming baby?? Or hey what about that loud talker 3 rows back??? You have created your own P.R. nightmare & I for one am glad Kevin blasted you guys....airlines have become nothing more than people herders trying to squeeze every penny they can out of traverlers while making flight less & less openly embarrassed this man in front of an entire plane of people & then offered him a $100 voucher and he's famous...what do you do to the average Joe?? Scream hey fatty get off the plane & wing a roll of quarters at him as he leaves??.I'll be flyin with another airline from this point on..So long Southwest...
Explorer C
Tsk Tsk Tsk....Southwest throw a man off of a flight because he was a litlle large...even tho he did have his armrests down & needed no seatbelt extension??...I've seen Kevin Smith niumerous times...he's not that large...I've seen & sat next to people who are much heavier and nothing was said to these people..I've been seated next to people who smell terrible...will you be chucking them off the plane next because they violated your "no stinkies" policy?? Or what about the woman next to me with a screaming baby?? Or hey what about that loud talker 3 rows back??? You have created your own P.R. nightmare & I for one am glad Kevin blasted you guys....airlines have become nothing more than people herders trying to squeeze every penny they can out of traverlers while making flight less & less openly embarrassed this man in front of an entire plane of people & then offered him a $100 voucher and he's famous...what do you do to the average Joe?? Scream hey fatty get off the plane & wing a roll of quarters at him as he leaves??.I'll be flyin with another airline from this point on..So long Southwest...
Explorer C
Don't apologize. If he's too fat, he's too fat and you have nothing to apologize for. Just cause he's famous doesn't mean everyone has to bow down before him. And don't worry, if a few less fat people fly SW because of this, I'm sure more skinny people who cost less fuel will more than make up for it.
Explorer C
I have seen staff pick and choose who they will be nice to and who they won't. I've seen staff roll their eyes at requests of the passengers and gate staff care more about talking to each other than assisting passengers. Yes, all the questions people ask you are generally the same, and you say it over and over to the next person but it is your job to assist the customers needs not blow them off. It is those passengers, the ones who annoy you by asking you questions repeatedly who allow you to keep your job because they are flying Southwest. This type of action from the employees is totally uncalled for and this blog post is as well. Take responsibility for your employees and reprehend them for their abuse of power rather than skirting behind a flimsy rule book that allows for wild interpretations and discrimination.
Explorer C
How could revealing private information about a customer ("as he’s been known to do when traveling on Southwest") possibly help your position? It only serves to further the feeling that Southwest Airlines' PR department is desperately flailing about in this situation. While I find your company's original actions troubling, the follow-up is amazingly crude and ill-conceived. When you *truly* apologize for something, you don't follow it up with justifications. But you guys are acting like you're in the middle of a fight and have a chance at winning. Can't you see that you've already lost? I'm still looking for the "Southwest Is Being Unfairly Persecuted" article - and I'll bet this is the only site that ever takes that position. BOTTOM LINE: Huge huge HUGE mistakes have been made at SW over the last 24 hours. It's time for you to acknowledge that...and stop doing whatever it is that you're doing here and on Twitter. Frontier/Jet Blue/Virgin employees all thank you for the remarkable lack of professionalism. Enjoy the beating Smith will be handing you over the next two weeks during his press tour!
Explorer C
I was just wondering is there a circumference that qualifies you as being to fat to fly. I want to make sure I don't qualify. I would not call my self fat but I am very pregnant and still able to travel. Would I be ejected from southwest due to my size?
Explorer C
I see a lot of "fear" comments concerning being wedged between two big people or crashing because of how fat some other passenger is. If you aren't willing to face the risks involved when you set foot on a plane, much less leave the safety of your own home, you deserve far more than fear. I'm six feet, three inches tall, and I've always weighed more than the average person. The medical charts didn't even make allowances for people my size when I was a child, and I'll never fit the definition of skinny. I see enough false bravery on the internet where people feel they can offer an opinion without consequences, and I'm tired of it. If you fear, despise, or otherwise hold negative views towards fat people, your physical appearance is obviously the least of your problems. Fat people are still people. They don't deserve disrespect just because they exist.
Explorer C
Thank you, Southwest, for recognizing that people who take up part of the seat I purchased are infringing on my paid-for space. I have been on other airlines where I -- the person who fits in my seat -- am inconvenienced so as not to offend the overweight passenger. Where are MY rights in all this? Sorry -- no one force-fed Kevin Smith and Southwest certainly has no responsibility in his girth. Kevin Smith is the one who made himself fat, and he needs to stop whining about the number of seats he does or does not take up. I wish the person who was sitting next to him would speak up on how much his space was infringed. And to all the overweight passengers who are claiming discrimination: buy a first class seat if you don't want to be embarrased by the flight attendant who has to tell you that you are taking up more than the space you paid for. Or -- better yet -- lose some weight and then NONE of this would be an issue! (and flight prices may come down since the weight of the plane would come down!!)
Explorer C
Mr. Smith has my attention. Shame on Southwest for their bad treatment of Kevin Smith and for their bad treatment of other paying customers. Train all your personnel to give good customer service or else they cannot work for Southwest anymore. In reading the accounts of this story and similiar situations on Southwest, it is clear that the people who run Southwest have a company policy of being rude to customers and humiliating paying customers everytime the situation presents itself. Change your "treat people bad" policy. I hope your competitors realize that they can make more money being good to people than being rude.
Explorer C
Not to be ignorant but, "Hey Kevin, Have another doughnut!!!" Thanks to Southwest!!!
Explorer C
How many times a day does Southwest do this to people? Why is this discrimination still tolerated publicly? I don't like skinny soccer moms with bleached hair, can we ban them next? We could make up some nonsense to explain why it's necessary and in the interest of safety. I like the poster who pointed out that individuals who can't walk like the majority of us, or people who are otherwise disabled pose more of a safety risk than a person of size. Be disgusted with your actions Southwest, we are! Kevin Smith is not that large. Let's see you start ejecting pregnant women and really tall people too. Maybe if enough people boycott your airline over this incident (have you heard that the US is one of the fattest countries in the world), the other airlines that are still in business will decide the way to proceed is to treat human beings like human beings.
Explorer C
First off, I'm big myself and fly Southwest all the time with no hassles, quite the contrary. However, in this particular situation, the customer can re-process his experience in one of his upcoming films. Could be a hilarious sequence. For me, Kevin Smith is cool, and so is Southwest, so I'm not takin sides but I'd enjoy seeing all this through the eyes of the filmmaker.
Explorer C
Explorer C
Im done with your airlines.
Explorer C
I appreciate the customer of size policy, but the facts aren't quite matching up with what Kevin Smith is saying in his podcast. According to Mr. Smith, he was able to close BOTH armrests and according to the podcast, neither of the ladies that he was sitting next to him expressed a problem with him being there. Southwest in this case was completely in the wrong. The PR damage control is a ridiculous attempt to try to cover up an obvious mistake. I'm glad I don't have to worry about flying Southwest ever again.
Explorer C
@ the reporter Christi Day. you forgot to mention the rest of the fact's.... trying to make SWA look good? You forgot to mention that He MET THE REQUIREMENTS FOR THE ARM REST TEST.. You also forgot to MENTION that the ladies sitting next to him said he was "no problem at all". @SWA, I'm not Fat, but you and your reporters unwilling to tell the WHOLE story is pathetic. Ill choose a different airline.... TY.
Explorer C
the fact that this is even a conversation is absolutely ridiculous. It is stuff like this that makes me humiliated to be an american. The fact that so many people are on here saying that discrimination is perfectly fine. Whats next, are we going to require that anybody who is not white has to sit in the back of the plane. This is crazy. Kevin Smith is not even that fat. The fact that southwest did this is not even the offensive part to me. Just wait, next month it will be Southwest, where only white, american males between the ages of 27 and 74 and between 150 and 220 lbs, are allowed to fly...thank you my fellow citizens for strengthening my disgust
Explorer C
Riddle me this SWA: Do you serve alcohol to people who sit in exit rows? Just wondering where the line for 'safety' is drawn...
Explorer C
We love Southwest Airlines for many reasons. Thank goodness for an airline whose staff is willing to enforce policy to ensure passenger safety and comfort. I have back issues and am LOATHE to have a person of size lean, elbow, or otherwise bulge into my seat (!) only to arrive at my destination in pain from leaning to avoid uncomfortable physical contact. This is not even to mention the difficulty stepping over someone to go to the loo, using my own tray table, etc. etc. I can easily take my elderly mother on Southwest because I am assured of her comfort and that she will enjoy the flight, without some self-entitled person hogging her seat. Am I to understand that Mr. Smith was unaware of his own size preflight and was unwilling or unable simply purchase an extra seat? It seems that many Americans could forgo a few lattes and use the savings to purchase a measuring tape and a scale to hop on, if at no other time, then immediately prior to booking a flight. Yes, we all have freedom to bend our elbows to ingest/inhale anything we please, but thankfully we also have the right to live without the affects (paying for them is another story.) And, are we so stupid and inept as a nation of passengers that we are unable to comprehend our actions inconveniencing others - first by assuming that we should be able to infringe on someone else's space, and second for causing a delay, which dealing with these things must surely cause. If so, then thank heavens for a policy that saves us from ourselves. As for "disclosing his business," Smith seems to have capitalized on the incident at the earliest possible opportunity - you know, "no such thing as bad publicity" and all that. I had no idea who he was before, but am now assured that he is desperate and pathetic. How sad, really. Southwest affords such an extremely positive and friendly travel environment that I fear they will edit/remove this comment, but I hope they do not. Thank you, Southwest, it is always a safe and pleasant ride, made so by your enthusiastic and very capable staff - from booking to landing. Phoenix Fan
Explorer C
I love Southwest Airlines and think they are in the right on this one. Kevin Smith has been and always will be an arrogant loudmouth. He thinks by being rude and obnoxious he will get his way. Sorry, Smithy, but I will always fly SWA!
Explorer C
Smith had his seat belt fastened without a seat belt extender, and had the arm rests down. Southwest, you aren't winning any converts by lying. I am super-glad Kevin Smith is screaming about this for those of us without his voice. This is a horrible apology. Good job with a snarky reply instead of a real apology. This is just one more reason for me to not fly on SWA.
Explorer C
Luv Southwest....Only fly them when possible...I am wondering what the argument from fat people is exactly. Why do they feel they have a right to have their fat ass infringe on my personal space? Why should I be uncomfortable because they can not fit into their seat. I say to all fat people that are stating they wont fly SW anymore, GOOD. Thanks for making it easier on the other passengers and SW for not having to deal with you!!!
Explorer C
That was no apology. The title of the post is sarcastic and while you say you are offering a "heartfelt" apology, all you do is try and CYA. My guess is that when you realized Mr. Smith was a celebrity and was using Twitter to tell the story, your PR people had to scramble. I wonder what your response would have been if he was just an ordinary fat guy... I weigh about 50# less than Mr. Smith, but I can assure you I will not fly on your airline in the future based on your handling of this incident.
Explorer C
I fly 4 - 5 times a month for business- I did prefer Southwest due to price, schedule and the great people. I can put both armrests down and do not need a seat belt extender, but it is a tight fit. Now I am terrified of flying because of stories like these. What if I am with co-workers? Or with my husband. How humiliating. I really love Southwest, but knowing that I could be suddenly singled out like this scares me. I am embarrassed enough about my weight without the shame of being kicked off the plane in such a public manner. And why do the American airlines keep making their seats smaller anyway? I fly on Asian airlines, EVA and Thai Air regularly, and their seats are wider and offer more legroom. How ironic is that. And to those who throw out comments about "fattys" and smelling bad, shame on you. You are not nice people. A long time ago I saw a bumper sticker that said "I may be fat, but you are ugly, and I can always lose weight". Change that to "I may be fat, but you have an ugly mind" and I'd much rather be me.
Explorer C
Southwest, take heed, more than half of the comments on this page are negative to a policy that is too random and archaic... Other outlets, such as CNN are covering this, bad press is never good press... Personally I'm not fat, am in good shape,work out etc, I understand what your trying to do, but Kevin Smith is not crazy big... Makes me wonder what next, gonna pick on skin color as well? I won't be flying Southwest anymore, even with your free bag moto.... Maybe its time for a change to a company policy that is 25 years old (Southwest is a progressive company correct?), issue a real apology, and change replace your media relations person/people. Its not an apology when you justify your actions.
Explorer C
This is the worst apology I have ever read. Way to alienate people, Southwest. Either it was a mistake to remove him from the flight, or it wasn't. If it wasn't a mistake - Don't apologize. Just say that it was according to your policy. If it was a mistake- there is no need to talk about your policy for oversized people. I don't like you any more, Southwest.
Explorer C
So you're basically saying that if your ass is wider than 17 inches when sitting down, you're too fat to fly? The average dress size in America is 14, which means you're basically saying that half the people in the country will need to buy a second seat. Maybe the policy worked when things were different, but there are more overweight individuals in American than underweight. The "fat" people outnumber the thin people. Your policy and your planes should be reflecting that. Planes are uncomfortable and cramped no matter how big or small the people around you are. Customers complained and instead of making bigger seats, which would have meant less seats on the planes and less revenue, you blamed the fat people. Way to be. Oh, and saying that it's ok to charge fat people for two seats because two seats on your airline is cheaper than one FIRST CLASS seat on another airline is so stupid it's not even funny... most people who fly your airline wouldn't pay to fly first class on other airlines. I'll never fly SWA and I hope your company loses millions over this. Maybe that will wake you biggoted asshats up.
Explorer C
This is the worst apology I have ever read. Way to alienate people, Southwest. Either it was a mistake to remove him from the flight, or it wasn't. If it wasn't a mistake - Don't apologize. Just say that it was according to your policy. If it was a mistake- there is no need to talk about your policy for oversized people. I don't like you any more, Southwest.
Explorer C
This blog post was possibly the WORST action you've taken through this whole matter, SouthWest. Try a little CS and PR, not thinly veiled attacks. Kevin Smith's side of the story: Try listening to it before you have a kneejerk reaction. I especially like how SouthWest charged Kevin for the seat they kicked him out of. More evidence that all of this is just about getting as much money as possible. Where is YOUR side of the story, SouthWest? I want to hear the pilot, the desk attendant, the stewardess and the manager tell their side of the story. The Truth, not BS PR. I'm a thin guy, but what you do is horrible, so I will not fly your airline.
Explorer C
You've lost another customer - I'm a 1K flyer on United and use SWA when convenient. Not any more. This blog "apology" is insulting to ANYONE who has ever been ridiculed or made to feel embarrassed by how they look or what they are, be it fat, asian, green-haired, pierced etc. SWA is a big bully who now got caught and is trying to avoid a PR nightmare. Too late! If Kevin wasn't "famous" you would have gotten away with this deplorable behavior YET AGAIN! ( This poor guy missed his uncle's funeral because of you bullies! Your policy is a joke and I hope you get bought by a more empathetic and professional company who knows how to deliver true customer service. Your attendants have always acted like they are better than us lowly travelers and now this proves that your pilots are a-holes too. Thank you Kevin for fighting for your rights and ours!
Explorer C
Thank you for bringing people's attention to the "For Any Reason" clause, and for pointing out to Mr. Smith that he is too fat to fit into a single seat without encroaching on the seat next to his. I hope you will be doing the same for other customers, as unwanted physical contact is a pet peeve of mine. I suggest that each plane or gate be equipped with a sheet of plexiglas that can be inserted in between seat backs and cushions, as a gauge of when someone who may be able to stuff themselves in between a pair of armrests is nevertheless slopping over into another passenger's paid-for space. I only wish that airlines would use these rules more often, such as in cases where someone has clearly failed to bathe, or is otherwise unfit to be let loose on the traveling public. I haven't flown Southwest in a few years, but I am encouraged by this incident to consider you when I make my future travel plans. And to all of the people complaining how awful Southwest is: you sound like you're unwilling to admit that you're fat.