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Southwest Airlines Community

Raising the Bar--SI One

Frequent Flyer C


Hello from LaGuardia Airport in New York City!  I just witnessed one of the coolest plane events ever!  We finally, after much speculation and anticipation, revealed the beautiful SI One.  This plane, N922WN, is wrapped with a temporary decal featuring the cover model, from the 2009 Sports Illustrated Swimsuit Issue. This definitely seals the deals on Southwest Airlines’ FUN and edgy factor! 

The cover model stepped off the plane and posed for pictures with our Pilots and Flight Attendants!  It is an absolutely beautiful plane, and hopefully you'll get to travel on this sometime soon!   Since my "Twiddles" left people guessing all day on Twitter , maybe now I need all our Bloggers and Twitter followers to send me their pics on SI One as it flies throughout the Southwest system!  Thanks to everyone that kept up with the Twiddles, I think the best detective was definitely Mike Sloane
I'm working on getting the official pics from our friends at Sports Illustrated and here are some pics that we took today.  In the meanwhile, post pictures in the comment section if you can!  See yall back in Dallas!

Be sure and follow Christi's Tweets from the airplane's next stop, Las Vegas.

Explorer C
I agree that I don't think it is professional to have a woman in a tiny bikini plastered all over a plane that is going to land in airports that by nature must be "family friendly". I understand the concept behind the marketing but seriously question who's decision it was to use a Sports Illustrated shot of a half naked woman. As someone else said would you allow this type of dress Inside your plane. If you won't allow it inside your plane, why put it on the outside. Not to mention this just feeds into all of the unhealthy, and unnatural, body images that our young teenage girls are trying to live up to today. Big FAIL
Explorer C
Is Southwest Now serving La Guardia?? The pictures of the plane were taken there.
Explorer C
Let me start off with saying that I am completely PRO Southwest. But, I am truly disappointed in this decision making. Sports Illustrated is meant for the filthy pleasure of men, and is quite offensive to most others. I know in the past the flight attendants wore hot pants- this makes them look quite modest! And to add icing to the cake... how can you show a skimpy almost naked lady to a family friendly airline. It looks to me that Southwest is aiming for business customers and men. Very disappointing.
Explorer C
As much as I appreciate the beauty of a swimsuit model without a doubt, this is in poor taste for a company. This is just going to get backlash from female coworkers, female passengers, not to mention families who would prefer their children not to see that. This is just stupidity on Southwest's behalf, and I would like to meet the person who came up with this bone-headed idea.
Explorer C
It's only fair to put a hot man in a revealing Speedo on an airplane. That can make up for all the women that are disgusted by this "advertisement". We'll see then how many guys give SWA the thumbs up for their marketing.
Explorer C
GOOD way to use the plane for ads I think you should use more planes as billboards. Hopefully, you can keep the ticket cost down. Will this plane have the internet service on it? She is a beautiful young woman.
Explorer C
As an SWA employee, I have to say that I am very dissapointed with my company, I thought we were better than this. I hope that I don't have to see or fly on this aircraft while whis decale is on it. Very poor taste SWA!
Explorer C
This is VERY tacky, indeed. SWA has always been a wonderful airline but this degrades it considerably!
Explorer C
business travelers vs family travelers...which is really sustaining the industry?
Explorer C
I am appalled and VERY disappointed in SW!
Explorer C
What a stupid decision? I am extremely disappointed that Southwest would choose to have such a near pornographic picture so publicly displayed. It will likely damage the good reputation of Southwest for many people, as it has for me. What did they gain? Questionable publicity and some amount of revenue in exchange for less respect.
Explorer C
As a proud to be hardworking SWA employee I must ask SkyGuy - are you kidding me - embarrassed - really?? Here's my theory , if all the adults were comfortable with the fact that we ALL look alike then the children would not feel inclined to be "plastered-eyed" to the airport window at a plane with a lovely woman on its side. And I bet if we are offering a $49 fare from coast to coast, no one will way,"Oh I couldn't possibly get on THAT plane."
Explorer C
Explorer C
Oh Lighten UP! Yes she looks cool on the plane, and NO she can't wear it on the plane due to proper hygiene reasons. I'm glad SWA doesn't take itself so serious. I'm waiting for the plane with the hot guy on it!
Explorer B
What is the point of the SI model on the plane? If it is publicity, then mission accomplished. If it is to promote the airline, hmmm . . . very shady in my opinion. Frankly, I don't think this is appropriate. (get a better camera) Erica
Explorer C
This is what I thought SWA would be when I came to work here! FUN and Daring, taking chances!! Now let's get rid of codeshare and do the intl flying ourselves and take a chance on our employees! SWA DAL/FO
Explorer C
The SI swimsuit issue is, hands down, the biggest single-issue moneymaker for Time Warner, SI's parent publisher. SI has over 3 million subscribers and is read by 23 million adults each week, with over 18 million of them are men, 19% of the adult males in the United States. So one might say SWA has a keen interest in this demographic. Look around the marketplace. Every airline is looking for and edge to profitability and SWA is at the front of the pack when it comes to money-saving and money-making concepts that are, in the final analysis, financially sound and often very savvy. This is a well-aimed marketing event that has certainly recieved a lot of attention in the first day aloft. It is a photo of a woman in a swimsuit. I can not see how this could be even marginally more offensive than serial-murders depicted on CSI Miami, movies like SAW I, II, III, IV or V, Fifty-Cent gangster rap or the preventable disaster of cholera in the Congo. SWA has represented other diverse markets out there as well. Perhaps you might have seen the Tinkerbell decals on one of our aircraft to commemorate the DVD release of that video? For those who feel this might be offensive to younger children: Do you shield thier eyes from offensive tabloid headlines in the grocery store check out? Perhaps it would be better for you Talibanis out there if all women wore burquas. I'm sure a few folks out there who don't believe in Santa Claus boycott Coke products during the holidays because they put good 'ol Saint Nick on the can. There are over 500 SWA airplanes in our fleet. If you don't like this one, it is very likely you will never even be lucky enough to see it anyway. Unfortunately, we have only a handful of flight attendants who could pass as supermodels. Better bring along a copy of the latest SI swimsuit issue on your next trip. Sit back, relax and enjoy our great fares, free drinks and snacks to your next destination. DING! You are now free to move about the country.
Explorer C
What this is really about is a matter of taste, perportion, and timing. The human body is a beautiful. Beautiful works of art capture that. Trashy planes with trashy models pasted across them degrade it, and the men and women they demean and service. But even more disturbing, is the message this sends to children. I have always respected Southwest Airlines as not only a fair employer but a good service provider. But this unethical publicity stunt undercuts any respect I once had for it. I think any company has an ethical responsibility for the image it puts out there, especially when they are marketing themselves to families. It's bad enough I have to drive down the street and see signs for half dressed Hooter's "waitresses" (if you can call them that) and drive in beer barns with girls teetering around in heels and bikinis, but there are also small children seeing this and processing these images with very disturbing outcomes. Just in yesterdays news was an article about the negative impact that male TV heroes have on adolescent boys. And I think this is far more over the top, negative and insidious images about women that Southwestern is perpetuating. There's nothing wrong with a women being beautiful and admired for that, but there is something wrong with puting a practically naked women laying seductively on the outside of a plane (on an airline that incidently evicted a women from one of its planes for being underdressed) and suggesting that this is a normal image to see on an outside of a plane, this is what women should aspire to be and that this is appropriate for young girls to see. It's not the lack of clothes but the context. Women in bikinis belong on beaches. Actually, I'd really prefer to put on some board shorts. And it's not because I have something to hide. I'm fortunate to be very petite. I just would rather be enjoying myself than worrying whether I have a string up my ass, or whether some guy is checking me out. But it's these sort of absurd images constantly bombarding women that lead girls to constantly focus on their bodies and minimum, and develop eating disorders at worst. So you lost me on this one Southwest, in every respect, as a customer included.
Explorer C
I am very surprised and disappointed at this decision. As if young women don't already have unhealthy and unrealistic images of beauty to contend with in the media - here is another one - in large format! I also don't think that these kind of images produce healthy images of women for young men either. These kind of images can be seen as disrespectful and can sometimes encourage the objectifying of women. I don't think you are a prude if your prefer not to see or have your children see a barely clothed woman plastered on the side of an airplane. I do not think I will be using Southwest to travel no matter what the discounts might be. I would have thought that key desicion makers at Southwest would have been more socially responsible or at least family-friendly in this partnership with Sports Illustrated.
Explorer C
I'm terribly disappointed by SWA on this one. When I was a college student this would have been great, but add in a few more years of maturity and a 5 y/o daughter and 2 y/o son asleep down the hall and from where I'm sitting it doesn't look so good. I've always loved SWA for their friendly employees and community involvement - the gate at Midway that's been decorated for some time now in patriotic colors with photos of servicemen and women is one of my favorite airport spots in the country - but this is a bad move. Sure, I can see the same or worse in any grocery store checkout line, pool or beach, but at the same time I expect it there, not from an airline that I previously thought would be better than this.
Explorer C
I have flown Southwest since their early days. Their planes were ugly dull tan with wonderful front- rear seating in the rear ,but their people, all people ,flight,ground, that guy in the chiefs chair were beautiful. That Company is the most All American Company this United States has produced in one hundred years.American citizen, look around. What the hell is wrong with displaying a beautiful American girl flying around the this beautiful country with a cargo of beautiful Americans in a beautiful American Built Airplane. Jack L Wigley
Explorer C
So here is my take on the "New" plane.... In today's world,we as a society are struggling with some very president issues. The economy is in schambles, unemployment is at a high, people's homes are being foreclosed and some people are bearly able to put food on a plate for their children. I think that there are actual "real" problems in the world that we should be worrying about...not what is on a plane. It is sad that society can not appriciate a beautiful person. Europe has nude beaches for goodness sake and it is just not a big deal. Priorities people, priorites. I agree with one of the earlier blogs, in the long run when it comes to purchasing an airline ticket to get from point "A" to point "B" and Southwest has the best fare, when you get to the gate to board the plane are you really going not board because there is a girl in a swimsuit on the side of the plane? Really? I guess in the end the question that we have to really ask ourselves is, does it really matter or is there something else in the world that we should be concerning ourselves with?
Explorer C
Wow, I have to say I'm very disappointed. So many other worthy causes or marketing opportunities SWA could have gotten involved with. SI is a great publication, but such a bad choice of graphic for the outside of the plane. Totally inappropriate IMHO. Lowering the bar indeed. For SWA Customers, this doesn't represent the beliefs/opinions of all Southwest Employees--including this one. A Disappointed SWA Flight Attendant
Explorer A
Dear Don,Cheryl, Yvonne, Disappointed in Texas, Skyguy, ALL SWA Employees that have blogged in on this matter...... Did you READ that this was a WRAP AROUND AD? It is going to be removed! CHILL OUT, especially our own employees!!!! I am very disappointed in all of ya'll. Ya'll should be PROUD of us at all times!! Especially our own SWA Pilot. Come on, guy!!!! You, of all people should know that is just an advertising promo!!
Explorer C
Give me a break ya'll. Disappointed? Shame on SWA? Embarrassment? That it the most ridiculous thing I have ever heard... If you are worried about your children seeing a beautiful woman with a bikini on, stay at home, turn off your television and never leave the house. There are way worse things being shown on TV and on the streets. Seriously, you can't tell me that every time a Victoria's secret commercial comes on TV you rush for the remote and change the channel so that your little ones can't see it and you can't tell me that you don't leave the TV on during Super Bowl commercials. Have you stopped going to baseball games because all these players that are taking steroids? Get over yourselves. Also, SWA may have kicked a hooters girl wearing a mini skirts off a plane but what is not being said is that she wasn't wearing any undergarments. I'm sure everyone one of you unhappy, disappointed, embarrassed people have taken your children to a beach where there are girls in bikini's. Get over could be way worse. Like another person wrote most of you voted for "CHANGE". If your opinion has changd about a company that is making it affordable for you to fly and see places and visit family members in the current time of loss while other airlines are raising prices and charging for everything, then fly on another airline, spend more money so that you can prevent the possibility of seeing the plane 20-40 minutes of your traveling experience. As for K. If you truly believe that Southwest doesn't take care of their employees or care about them or their customers then you must be delusional and living in a different world or you've never worked for a company in your life. SWA takes such good care of their employees and your comments just make you sound like a bitter ex-employee that did something really bad that you got let go. I think the plane is a great idea. It's a great way to advertise. All you disgruntle people need to get a day job and quit worrying about the little things and start worrying about the real issues going on.
Explorer C
Obviously, the complainers here have never heard of a little European airline called SkyEurope? They had a good handful of "scantily clad" imaged-wrapped 737 aircraft flying around the EU, based in Bratislava. At least the Europeans are savvy enough to know that a woman in a bikini isn't socially threatening. Tiny-brained Americans, its time to get off your soapboxes and find creative outlets for your pent-up angst. I'm sure at least one of you has already filed the paperwork to start a lawsuit against WN for "making you stare for 20 minutes at such filth." 20 minutes? That's no longer staring... its stalking. Move to Siberia; People dress in layers there, year-round. Well done, Southwest, as always...!
Explorer C
This from the airline that kicked off the girl because of her skirt.
Explorer C
So, let me get this straight. In 2007, you put a woman off your plane for wearing revealing clothing. Now you've got a practically nude photo covering the outside of one of your planes. I find it patently cheap and offensive. I will NOT be flying Southwest Airlines again, and will discourage everyone else I know from doing it as well. Let me suggest this new motto for you- it will fit your new image very well: "At Southwest Airlines, it's not just our fares that are cheap."
Explorer C
poor taste... try to explain that to kids. I am an often traveler with SW, even earned a companion pass for my wife. She won't fly with you anymore. How many people buy tickets for the pic on the plane? Fun is great... edgy is controversial.
Explorer C
I am embarrased to fly this airplane. I never thought Southwest would stoop to such depths for marketing. If the flight attendents still dressed in mini-skirts it might be appropriate but you have grown past that so why would you dress your airplane that way? To those who expouse the 'beach' argument, dressing like that at the beach is appropriate, dressing like that at the airport is not. Get some class, Southwest!
Explorer A
I hope that plane has routes to Florida!
Explorer C
Have any of you negative people ever watched TV or walked down the street? I forget do we live in times of the Quakers or Puritans? Is America one giant religious compound. The sooner you people stop worrying about issues like this and more on how to improve America the better off we will be. These are tough times and this is a company taking a different approach on advertising. What is goal of advertising? Now I am just a history teacher, but to me you want to get your product out to as many people as possible. What better company to team up with than SI, a magazine that reaches millions of people. Southwest is a company who offers quality service and at a fair price. So all you people who say you will not fly SWA again look up the prices of their competitors, pay the extra and receive less service with more delays. PS. Don't ever look up because you may see a plane and that plane may be one with a super model on it. What is that about 1/20,000 chance? To any employee who was negative: Shame on you. I know second hand of all the great things your company does for you. If you do not like the company you work for then why don't you go work for one that is laying people off as opposed to hiring them. I would be glad to take your spot. Well enjoy your negativity, I'm on my way out to enjoy life. BA
Explorer C
Prude America, unite! A woman showing skin, won't someone please think of the children! A lot of these comments are so silly they have to be obvious trolls being obvious trolls. I mean, really? "I'm a girl who wears shorts to the beach so guys don't check me out" No, it's not human nature for males or females to be attracted to the opposite sex *eye roll* "This add will make young girls puke out their dinners in an effort to be skinny" Sure, I guess being raised in a healthy household with stable parents won't combat that...oh wait. Well I guess it's the media's fault for making the girl have enough mental issues where she has to be perfect, never mind the millions of well adjusted women in America and the world who live life happily, if not a little jealously. "This is tacky and ruining my children." Take your kids to the supermarket? You do, don't you? Do you yell bloody murder at the checkout isle when they pass us weekly or any other trashy hollywood magazines? How about any of the other woman focused magazines with skinny women in revealing clothing plastered on the cover? I didn't think so. The other argument that is just throwing me for loops is the "You can dress like that at the beach, but not in public/on an airplane/at the airport." So it's ok for skinny, beautiful women to wear a bikini at the beach and it's ok for your kids to see said women at the beach, but lord help that woman and your kids if she's still wearing that bikini at some other time/place and your kids see her then! I did love this one however "Just Plane BAD TASTE" I'm still giggling at the pun. The only valid argument that I've heard from anyone that makes any sense is that South West looks really dumb now for having kicked that girl off the plane for wearing revealing clothing. By revealing clothing, they meant "normal clothes a 20-something would wear." Now they go plaster a bikini clad woman on their plain who is ten times more naked than the other girl was. Just plain ridiculous of them and PR should crawl on their hands and knees and apologize to that girl. Having said that, however, great add!
Explorer C
I LUV IT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Great Job SWA!!! I have been a HUGE fan and faithful parton of the airline for many years and this is so like the company! You were the first airline to have painted aircrafts and made a name for yourselves. Now the first to have a beautiful woman on the outside. As a woman, I am in no way offended by this stunt and I am 100% behind you for doing it. Just take a look at everyone how took time out of their day to make some sort of comment on this blog. If they took that time then you know they will take time out by the water cooler and talk about it to their coworkers and their family members. Great job at "Raising the Bar!" When can I board?
Explorer C
Come on people……Is this really offensive to us? With all that is going on in the world, is this what gets us all wound up? As a SWA employee, I am so proud of MY Company for coming up with an ingenious way of getting our name out there, especially in the New York market. I would be proud to take my husband, daughters, parents and grandparents on this aircraft. Besides, for those offended, remember one thing, it is a temporary decal that will only be there for only 2 months! SI is one of the few magazines that have still been profitable and SWA is one of the few airlines that are still profitable, coincidence? I think not!! I am a PROUD SWA employee and proud of this decision MY Company has made!!
Explorer C
I for one am disappointed in Southwest and will not be booking any flights with them. I have two daughters under 10 and feel like I am fighting an uphill battle to shield them from the continual overt sexuality and messages of society around them. Tacky and unnecessary. Sure my girls see people in bikinis at the beach. But we all know that is different than SI swimsuit models plastered on a plane. When are we going to start thinking about how these types of thing harm our kids who need to STAY kids. And yes I also have a problem with the magazines at the super market, commercials on tv and billboards on the hwy. and i do all I can to prevent their little eyes taking in the cover of cosmo. I shop in grocery stores that mask the mags and do not have cable tv. WE all know already SEX SELLS...doesn't make it right though and degrades us and our daughters as a society.
Explorer C
You have GOT to be kidding me. Having nothing to do with how tacky this is, the perception is that Southwest is HYPOCRITICAL. You dare splatter a mostly naked woman on the side of your airplane, but a young paying customer in a mini skirt cannot continue her flight because she is indecent? Wow, I don't care HOW "on time" your flight record is.....I may have to re-consider my loyalty.
Explorer C
LUV it!! I think it's an awesome plane, and I can't wait to see it for real. An excellent union of marketing and FUN!! My seatback and tray are in the upright position, and I'm ready to go!
Explorer C
What a great airline. First you give us a very controversial topic, then you give us a blog to come to and cry about it. I give you a thumbs up on both. As far as all of the haters especially the employees, I'm sure you all aren't so stuffy, I mean this is the LUV airline, home of the chili cookoff and spirit party where the free beer flows. A place where so many couples have met and started their own family. Southwest Airlines just announced raises for the mechanics and pilot groups and your employees are acting in such a way. Look at what is happening in the rest of the industry, I bet the employees at Northwest and Delta wish they had the same problems as all of you. Like I said very nice job southwest on trying to keep your fun loving culture alive. I hope you don't let the killjoys bring you down. Imagine Herb stepping off that airplane firing up a smoke with a glass of wild turkey in his hand saying something cute like his and Colleens swimsuit picture wouldn't fit so they chose a sports illustrated model instead to put on the airplane. How refreshing. Bravo Southwest..
Explorer C
I agree that innovation is needed with carriers to generate additional revenue, but this IS tacky. It definitely makes SWA the most hypocritical company in the nation!!!! To kick a woman off one of it's flights for what she was wearing to plastering a woman in a bikini on the side of one of their planes is by far the most hypocritical thing I've seen lately. This may be one marketing move that backfires. Hopefully it'll send more customers to my employer and Houston's hometown carrier. Fly Continental!
Explorer B
Nice addition to the narrow body fleet. Now buy some wide body aircraft and prove you are not a sexist airline. Where's Borat in his suit-thing? Now that would scare some children at the gate.
Explorer C
I'd like to know why you wouldn't post my comment on your blog.
Explorer C
This jet would actually look good floating in the Hudson! Good for you SWA. Forget what the prudes think. Continue to have fun and please start hiring good looking flight attendants once again.
Explorer C
Wow, I've never seen so many prudes in one place at the same time. People terrified of their children seeing a woman in a bikini?? But it's okay for kids to play video games allow them to portray gang members taking part in drug deals and murders? Wow, get a grip on reality people, planes with women in bikini's are hardly the problem in our society today.
Explorer C
Now that's the Southwest I LUV!
Explorer C
Looks like a smart move to me! Cheaper than paying for advertising!!! Look at the publicity Southwest has gotten off of it already!! Southwest Airlines always finds a way to do things in a fun way and save money!!!!
Aviator C
Anonymous 13:33 We have posted every comment that has shown up in the moderation queue. I did find a few posts that had gotten mixed in with the spam queue and I posted them. Yours may have wound up there too--possibly a word you used may have been in the spam parameters. (The parameters are set automatically.) If you repost, we will try and publish it.
Explorer C
I have to agree with others....this is a little trashy, even by Southwest's standards. Yes, they have a tendancy to play the shock and awe game, but do we really need 5 foot high boobs??!!! As if Hooters, Bone Daddy's and Twin Peaks restaurants weren't bad enough. You can be edgy and still have some class Southwest!
Explorer C
Why are people so uptight? What is it about a picture of a woman in a swimsuit that is so offensive to people? I think it's ridiculous that we can't get over a little skin in a photograph. Who is this really going to hurt... It's fun, it's beautiful, and we're only on this planet for a short time...let us have a little fun!!!
Explorer C