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Southwest Airlines Community

Raising the Bar--SI One

Frequent Flyer C


Hello from LaGuardia Airport in New York City!  I just witnessed one of the coolest plane events ever!  We finally, after much speculation and anticipation, revealed the beautiful SI One.  This plane, N922WN, is wrapped with a temporary decal featuring the cover model, from the 2009 Sports Illustrated Swimsuit Issue. This definitely seals the deals on Southwest Airlines’ FUN and edgy factor! 

The cover model stepped off the plane and posed for pictures with our Pilots and Flight Attendants!  It is an absolutely beautiful plane, and hopefully you'll get to travel on this sometime soon!   Since my "Twiddles" left people guessing all day on Twitter , maybe now I need all our Bloggers and Twitter followers to send me their pics on SI One as it flies throughout the Southwest system!  Thanks to everyone that kept up with the Twiddles, I think the best detective was definitely Mike Sloane
I'm working on getting the official pics from our friends at Sports Illustrated and here are some pics that we took today.  In the meanwhile, post pictures in the comment section if you can!  See yall back in Dallas!

Be sure and follow Christi's Tweets from the airplane's next stop, Las Vegas.

Explorer C
No one loves a supermodel in a bikini more than I do, but the corporate and marketing folks at Southwest should be ashamed of themselves. How can you allow your employees to throw young women off of your plans because their skirts are shorter than they'd like or their shirt shows too much cleavage, and then plaster a woman in her underwear on the side of the plane? Have you lost your minds? How could you be so foolish to do something so blatantly hypocritical?
Explorer C
Way to go Southwest! I am a proud female Employee of this wonderful Company and I say kudos for bringing LUV into the skies!! I hope I get a chance to see this a/c before the logo is removed.
Explorer C
rick - although a common misconception, the young lady that was so famously kicked off a southwest flight for being scantily clad, was not actually kicked off at all. If you check the facts, you will see that she traveled on her scheduled flight. An Employee simply asked her to cover up a bit and southwest later apologized to her.
Explorer C
Any way to add this issue of SI to the seat back pocket so we will be able to remember what is painted on the outside of the plane? I have several upcoming Chicago flights and am hoping that I can ride on this plane.....bragging rights you know...... Keeping it edgy and fun keeps me flying SWA
Explorer C
Isn't the SI Swimsuit issue going to be at EVERY newsstand at Every airport? Is everyone turning their heads when they see this magazine at the Airports? While they are waiting in line at the grocery store? This SI issue is the most read puplication in the world. Its not teenage boys who are buying up Swimsuit issue, its men and Women buying the mag. In 3 months every pool, every water park, and even kids washing cars at their neighborhood strip center will be wearing a bathing suit. Come on, give me a break and get off your "I'm offended" horse. Do we live in the Middle East where women are hidden?
Explorer C
All these people who are calling this "pornographic" have obviously never seen porn.
Explorer C
Oh, one more thing. How many people have known a girl in college at some point in their life? Just about everyone, right? Which girls were the most likely to become the "crazy girl/sleep around girl?" The well adjusted one who grew up in a relatively normal household with laid back parents? Or was it the one who's parents tried to shield them from everything and told them everything was bad? I'm pretty sure most people will agree with me that the latter was the "crazy girl" in college. No cable television, covering their eye's at anything that you disagree with? Really? I'm sure little girls don't trade magazines at school/friend's houses. For the love of god people, kids experience these things with or without you. Being super prude parents doesn't make them better people, it just makes them sneak around trying to avoid oddball parents.
Explorer C
Ok, I'll admit that perhaps this wasn't the most tasteful advertisement to slap on the side of a 737, but saying that many of the replies here are extreme overreactions is the understatement of the century. I mean, I can understand some being a little put off by something like this, but to refuse to fly the airline over it? Or even as a post a little further up from mine suggested, to discourage others from flying the airline? In my opinion that kind of a reaction is completely irrational. Honestly, what harm does it do? As far as children go, as it has been said before, it's nothing they won’t see at the beach or pool and as far as the fact that a child is seeing it at an airport and not a beach is, in my opinion, completely irrelevant. Calling something like this harmful to a child is completely crazy. Honestly, I'm not implying that there shouldn't be boundaries for decency, nor am I implying that this was even a good advertising idea on Southwest's part. But don't you think that refusing to fly an airline because it has an image of a swimsuit model on one of its 500 or so aircraft is a rather excessive? Especially when the Southwest's customer service and on time rating is among the best in the country? If you choose not to fly Southwest simply because of this swimsuit model, it's your own loss. Enjoy the other airlines nickel and diming you to death. I'm sure I will enjoy my flight to Orlando on Southwest next month, as will the many families on board regardless if this swimsuit model is on the side of the plane or not.
Explorer B
I am so ashamed of my fellow coworkers that have blogged such negative views on this thread...whatever happened to your Warrior Spirit and your Fun-Luving Attitude? Looks like it has been traded in for Cowardly Spirit and Self-Righteous Attitude... Seems that everyone is so concerned with being objects of "desire" that they are missing the big picture. SWA teaming up with SI for this plane to coincide with the release of the swimsuit issue and having this aircraft arrive at LGA on the day our service there is announced is nothing short of brilliant! With all the carriers that serve LGA and have for years, what better way for us to become visible and known in a brand new market??? Imagine yourself in see this plane fly in with a beautiful woman on the side...your eyes move up to the tail....SOUTHWEST.... what?? Southwest is coming to LGA?!?! I can't imagine a better first impression! For those who continue to call SWA hypocritcal and compare this aircraft art with Kyla Ebbert...get real...this aircraft features a professional model in a bathing suit and the aforementioned Kyla boarded not just in a short skirt or skimpy outfit, but without undergarments showing her "bits" to the world... You might as well be comparing apples to oranges...c'mon folks... Lastly, SWA is the best company in the world to work for...they treat their Employees great and are active in all communities doing charity work. Never in 12 years have I been treated with anything other than respect... I wouldn't trade a million dollars for my job and those who think they are working for such a "bad" company...move aside and go work for one of the other airlines and see how happy you are there...there are thousands of folks out there who would kill to work for Southwest Airlines and would be LOYAL employees.
Explorer C
I love it. I am a Captain for a different airline and they would never do something like this. They are too PC. This is a breath of fresh air, finally. Women who are offended by this are probably a bunch of toads who eat fried twinkies instead of getting on a treadmill as a way of life. Guys who are offended by this probably have toads for wives. I like it, I really do. Oh, I am sure the Obama crowd and all his morons would not approve of it but I don't approve of them. Go Southwest. Glad you have some balls of which are few and far between these days.
Explorer C
I might have been hallucinating, maybe, but for some reason I seem to recall this being a TEMPORARY decal, not the actual livery. Thus, IT'S COMING OFF before too long. This TEMPORARY look on SIOne is, in part, clearly for shock value - and judging by the assorted whining on this page alone, mission accomplished. This TEMPORARY decal does not imply that Southwest condones scant clothing, or that Southwest is losing any of the values that've made them the 40-year success story we always knew them to be. You'd better believe that YEARS after we've lost our money and our minds to this economic downturn, Gary, Herb, Colleen & Co. will still be shuttling us across the country and LUVin' it. Now, what this TEMPORARY decal IS doing, on the other hand, is making a strong case and a major first impression for SWA. Amid all the brouhaha, SIOne's TEMPORARY decal and matching cover model will tell everyone (passengers and competition, see next sentences) that YES, Southwest is HERE, baby! Welcome to New York! Didja forget the very airline that first leashed SWA at Love Field is scheming even now to kick them back to Islip ASAP? Didja forget about SWA's strongest rival, whose headquarters is merely 20 minutes south on the Van Wyck? Didja forget about another airline, who enjoys immunity from SWA back home at Hartsfield, and who'd love to stay immune from SWA in New York? Even these three had to stumble when they saw mutual competitor SWA taxi onto the ramp in a bikini in February... *rimshot* They know their hands will be as full as, if not more than Southwest's. Make no mistake, David and a few of his friends are about to fly straight into Goliath Country. If he wants to enjoy himself before the f(l)ight, cut him some slack. And YES, we're about to bear witness to a Big (HUGE) Apple Brawl, right here on Rwy22. They might even sell seats at Citi (read: Taxpayer) Field... And *sigh* yes, I've finally concluded my rant. I apologize. Can we go back to freely moving about the country (now including New York)? See ya'll on board. B-)
Explorer C
I'm all for beautiful women, but I too find it painfully ironic that the airline that was so chaste last year is now peddling flesh. I'll still fly Southwest, but your corporate integrity was just sold up the river. Guys are just as horny for static displays as non-static displays.
Explorer C
My husband had one thing to say, t-shirts?? He's not only planning on getting one for himself when they come out, but he's also planning on giving them to every male friend or relative he knows. He's also hoping SWA has a 12 year contract with SI, and that they will come out with a calender at the end. I happen to work for SWA, and I am proud to be associated with the most brilliant minds who have continued to reinvent and rejuvenate the industry....
Explorer B
It's a shame that so many of you out there judge swa for this. You cast the first stone so fast. Look at yourselves first beforge judging. Our world is driven by marketing and making money. I'M sure we all need ways to make money personally and in the business. Try being open minded for once.thanks
Explorer B
Working for Southwest is a joy and we, as employees have received countless benefits. No Layoffs, No Wage Cuts, great benefits and the like. We stand behind our company and will defend it to the end. N922WN is a beautiful aircraft compared to--- oh, let's say Maryland One. But at some point, we have to realize where our commitment lies. Is it with the Business Fare passengers?---who's select fares and boarding priority hardly ever account for all of the 15 seats reserved for them in the first boarding group, or is our allegiance with those who prefer to fly us based on our low costs and being given the "FREEDOM" to fly, especially in today's financial turmoil. The "common folk" made us who we are today, and I will proudly say that I am one of them! Personally, I don't have a problem seeing someone in a swimsuit on the side of a plane. What I do have a problem with is the publicity that we have received in the past over "Customer Attire". We now have to counter our philosophy with our advertising campaign. And that quite frankly puts frontline employees in the cross hairs! I don't know if I could ask someone to "cover up" when one of our planes doesn't. We're saying one thing in our Contract of Carriage, but with advertising, all bets are off. Money aside, I think it was a poor taste of publicity! We have shown that we say one thing, yet display the total opposite!
Explorer C
This is disgusting. Makes me never want to fly SWA.
Explorer C
As a shareholder and a customer of Southwest, I am puzzled about this latest advertising ploy. Just because Southwest is a low cost airline doesn't mean it has to be low class. This isn't the 70's, and Herb is no longer in charge. He was able to pull off the hot pants and Wild Turkey because of his unique personality and the culture of the 70's. This SI thing makes it look like the adolescents are in charge of advertising and public relations. Edgy? That is a 20-something term crafted by "creative" types with spiked hair, pierced body parts, and a distaste for the middle class. Hey folks! Wake up! It IS the middle class who pay the bills for Southwest, including me. I'm not a prude, but I have to wonder whose bright idea it's been to take the brand to "edgy". This isn't "Fun". It is CRASS. Out of one side of the mouth of Southwest, we get "puritan", with flight attendants acting as dress code police with scantily clothed customers, and out of the other side of its mouth, we get "sexist", allowing a bikini-clad model emblazon the side of one of its planes. How does Southwest justify enforcement of its sexual harassment policy (assuming it has one) when you allow a half naked woman on the side of an airplane? I know things are bad financially for Southwest, but this smells like desperation. Change your technology, add wi-fi, do things that are productive. I'm disappointed you have lowered your creative standards. There is nothing creative about a photo of a supermodel in a bikini. You can find some creative talent who can generate a "Fun" imagery that is more creative than this. Get a new advertising agency and hire some grownups to run your advertising/marketing/pr group. This is an abomination of Southwest's image. However I guess Southwest is moving to the idea that any publicity is good, no matter how negative the message.
Explorer C
Bar rafaeli is soooo HOT!
Explorer C
Is this the same Southwest Airline which kicked women off the flight for wearing something inappropriate. I wonder if someone with a bathing suit wants to fly on the Sports Illustrated plane or even if the same model shows up in a bikini would they let her on the flight.
Explorer C
Yep at the end of the day I stand behind my first reaction. Good Job to SWA. I applaud this move. It is CHANGE we can truly embrace. Lets drop all of the super PC junk and just be happy. WooHoo
Adventurer B
The reaction to the plane wrap is amusing if only because the rants and raves here are practically identical to those posted in the wake of Li'l Miss 15 Minutes, except Southwest's former supporters are now their detractors, and vice versa.
Explorer C
As a Southwest employee, I am appalled - this is degrading, tasteless and an embarrassment to females everywhere. We won't let scantily clad women on (or should I say in) our planes without asking them to cover up but we will plaster one on the outside????? Most shocking - is that when the plane is too far away - she appears to be nude! Won't the family going to Disney World LUV that.
Explorer C
I wonder how many people out there who are complaining about the girl on the side of this plane are doing so while they watch Desperate Housewives or a midday soap opera. I mean get real,its a girl in a bikini, you can see more than that just turning on NBC.
Explorer C
New ticker symbol: LUST 😉
Explorer C
That sure beats Shamu!
Explorer C
I would like to ask the management of Southwest Airlines to do the right thing and apologize for making such a poor choice of advertising media. I am absolutely embarrassed by this poorly thought through media stunt and cringe at the thought of having my wife, children, parents or friends fly on Southwest Airlines. Give a little consideration to the families that fly on SWA before you stoop so low next time.
Explorer C
Tacky, offensive; are you people alright? What do they wear in the Miss America Pagent, or the Miss Universe Pagent! Does anyone take their kids to the beach? Americans; self-centered, egotistical and ignorant. Kids, today, are drinking and using drugs in grade school and you're worried about them seeing a model in a bathing suit. Go to the mall and look at YOUR kids with pink and purple hair, black outfits with chains hanging from them, and cigarettes hanging out of their mouths How about the ones with their pants hanging down around their knees? Now there is an unoffensive fashion statement. Riiiiight! I think this is the stuff you better worry about your kids seeing, and emulating. I'd rather have a daughter that looked like a woman, rather than a freak.
Explorer C
Love it! I am proud to work for SWA!
Explorer C
To be honest about it, a pretty woman wearing a bikini is much more wholesome than a guy with a mullet wearing a wife beater who stinks of urine. The girl in the bikini is going to be on the outside of the plane for what, 60 days? The other flies inside the cabin routinely. I'll take the bikini every day of the week, given the choice. Seriously, some of you people need to lighten up.
Explorer C
I have flown Southwest for years and have always loved there fun side but this has crossed the line. Yes going to the beach you would expect to see that, but not going on a plane with your family for vacation. It's comparable to bikini girl on American Idol. It would have been no big deal if she was wearing that at the pool, but to prance around like that while everyone else is completely dressed is in poor taste. I will be thinking twice about flying through Southwest anymore. If there willing to put that on the outside of there plane, what magazines are they going to put inside the airplane. Surely something not fit for my children. And yes, they're going to kick that girl off the plane, for being covered, but post a girl half naked on the plane? A little hypocritical???
Explorer C
I wish they would put a different girl on each plane in their fleet. If it offends you spend three times as much and fly someone else. Hey Ryanair wake up, Southwest beat you to the punch Virgin too.
Explorer C
Okay, where is the male model then? Tit-for-tat, Southwest, or else you'll look rather sexist. We ladies deserve a bit of eye candy too!!!
Explorer C
In Europe, they did stuff like this years ago already (on SkyEurope aircraft); nobody made a hassle about it...
Explorer C
I've been pleased to see so many people agree with me that this was a really bad idea for Southwest to blatantly exploit women like this. In the second half of my current podcast at I give several reasons why it's wrong - check it out.
Explorer C
LET'S ALL FLY IN OUR BATHING SUITS NEXT TIME!!!!!! I dont see how Southwest could object, do you??? I am disappointed in Southwest Airlines. What can they have been thinking, putting a practically naked woman on their plane? This is a real insult to all of their woman customers, really to all of their customers. If you are Sports Illustrated fan, you can always buy the magazine and keep it to yourself. I have to be careful now about taking my grandchildren on Southwest, as I dont think I could explain to them why the airlines would do such a stupid, insensitive thing as this. And isnt this the airline that tried to put a woman off the plane because she was not "properly" dressed? She had on way more clothes than this model did.
Explorer C
What truly amazes me is that the employees of SWA who are so judgemental of other employees. So, let me see if I have this right - if you agree w/the SWA people who thought this (poor) idea was great- then you are a team player and woohoo for SWA - they are the greatest people on earth - but if you disagree them you should be ashamed of yourself! Why?? Why should they be ashamed of themselves? Why should they not have a right to say what they think? You resort to name calling and belittling because they don't agree with you or their employer- this is their OPIONION and everyone has a right to it. I'm sure, if truth be told ,there have been situations that SWA has done in the past that you haven't agreed with - but, do you really expect that you should be called names and told you should be ashamed of yourself because you didn't agree? In my OPIONION the picture on the plane is juvenile but as I read the responses (name calling, etc.) from some of the employees- how would you expect anything less.
Explorer C
Why be offended at a scantily dressed babe on a fuselage of an airplane? Just about every one of the 200,000 Americans shot down in the air war against the Nazi’s evil regime had one painted in magnificent open display. My own Grandfather was a tail gunner in a B25 in the Pacific, and the girl painted on his plane was named Sassy Sal. So whoever objects to women painted on airplanes needs to have their heads, not the mention their knowledge of American sacred war history, examined.
Explorer C
The issue here is not whether or not similar things can be seen on the street, on the beach, or in one's own home. Nor is it about the choices that individual women make in terms of their own level of comfort with their own bodies, or the choices that individual families make in what they consider age-appropriate for their children to be exposed to. The issue here is that this one instance is symbolic of an entire culture that perpetuates the objectification of women, treating women's bodies like a commodity to be bought, sold, and marketed, and then -- to add insult to injury -- messages such objectification in such a way that young women are supposed to be grateful for the chance to objectify themselves, and anyone who objects is a prude or a killjoy. Objectification, depersonalization, and misogyny is not hip or edgy, Southwest. It is a sleazy thing to do. And you've just lost not only my business, but the business of a bunch of very, very angry women with very loud internet voices. Women's bodies are not commodities or marketing tools. Please stop buying into the perception that they are.
Explorer C
Wow Southwest! Way to continue the proud worldwide tradition of objectifying women in inappropriately public places! I find the entire concept of the "swinsuit issue" gross to begin with. It is somehow even worse when blown up beyond billboard size. I've enjoyed my flights with you in the past, but I will definitely be reconsidering my opinion the next time I fly. American Airlines also serves the cities I frequently travel and gives me excellent frequent flyer miles.
Explorer C


SW has this picture on the plane, and then when you board, the FA's are as old as Greece. A lot of them a older Grandma types-meaning the myth of sexy "FA's" is long dead. Thank heavens. As an female attorney who long remembers women being subjected to this kind of stupid sexual stereotyping, what's SW's point? Who does this appeal do? Supposedly they want to appeal to "business select?" That's me. As a legal professional-and female- I find it offensive. Maybe it's because the airline is from Texas; they don't seem to "get it". Different culture than NYC. It's not 1970 anymore and "business select" is not only male. Women are no longer just hot pants wearing cheerleaders, pin-up girls and bimbos. There are many women professionals and business travelers who will not find this type of in your face marketing tactic appealing-especially NY women professionals- like me. I think a more timely photo-something to say something about today's world, cultures and issues would have been better. This sends a weird message out there-an unfunny put down to women.
Explorer C
I will boycott SW until they issue a public apology. It's 2009, and they've taken women back to 1950. Thought you'd outgrown your hotpants days. Guess not. I encourage all their customers to join this boycott.
Explorer C
I fly Southwest often. If I can get to my destination using Southwest I don't bother to even look for another carrier. On my last trip I found myself eating lunch next to a Southwest fight attendant from my previous flight (at BWI). We talked about how much I enjoyed the occasional stand-up comedy routines and how corporate had allowed them to do such a thing. However I think the swimsuit plane idea stinks. It is insensitive at best and will be considered down right offensive by many. I appreciate thinking out of the box but when you do you will make mistakes - and this is one of them. I just joined a fast growing facebook group dedicated to extracting an apology. Get ahead of the ball on this one. Get rid of it!
Explorer C
if it was attention you guys were looking for, you sure accomplished that. however this kind of attention is just the acknowledgement that this airline has "no class" . especially in these times were we are seeing more and more everyday the caliber of excecutives running this countries businesses into the ground with their selfish, greedy agendas. and as for the model, well we know she was paid alot of money and why not grab the money and run. isn't that the modes operandie of the top executives today. integrity seems to lost among them all. pretty sad want to get attention for your airline, offer decent fares with top shelf service, including on time departures/'arrivals, seats that normal people fit in and don't loose our luggage!!!!!!!
Explorer C
I don't have a problem with scantily-clad women. I do have a problem with hypocrisy, though.
Explorer C
Wow. Just wow. I don't fly a ton, and when I do I usually just find a good fare and go with it (Which is NOT Southwest, I live in Seattle). But this one makes me want to fly to their headquarters and plaster it with beefcake. You'd NEVER in a million years put a male swimsuit model on one of your planes, would you? I'm sure there are more people with a frat boy mentality in the populace than rational people who actually think about the implications of advertising. So, on balance, you've probably got far more people who would approve than disapprove. However, as a company that seems to think there's value in a reputation for honesty, integrity, family values? Bonehead move, guys. A good reputation relies on convincing people that you WOULDN'T sell your soul to make a buck.
Explorer C
I personally don't see a problem with this. It's just a woman in a bathing suit. Being politically correct in this country is GETTING OUT OF CONTROL! Grow up people....
Explorer C
People have short memories..... Remember Western Pacific with their Las Vegas showgirls? for example, or
Explorer C
This is disturbing. Why is Southwest doing this? It is demeaning to the women who work at Southwest and to any female passengers--really, it's demenaing to all employees and passengers. It's like when workers post centerfolds in their lockers at the workplace. Southwest has posted a huge centerfold in the workplace of their thousands of employees--and in a place where customers can see it. What are these people thinking? This makes us seriously question the judgment of anyone in an executive position Southwest Airlines. This is the kind of move that makes customers think, Why on earth would we want to fly on an aircraft run by people whose decisionmaking process is so obviously narrow, anachronistic, insensitive, and downright baffling? It does not inspire confidence.
Explorer C
in discussion of the si plane with a co-worker, he very aptly summed it up...'if you put hello kitty on the side of a plane, some people would be offended.' such is the world that we live in-- righteous indignation everywhere! i guess that's because, like swimsuit models, it garners attention.
Explorer C
Apparently things are more desperate than we even imagined. Hey, Southwest, here's a plan for you: How about in-flight Pam Anderson/Tommy Lee honeymoon videos? What pathetic regressed adolescent schlub came up with that promotion? And what time are they tapping the keg? You know, to go with the peanuts...