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Southwest Airlines Community

Twitter what?

Adventurer C
OK. I'm addicted. Twitter. Facebook. They got me. Have you heard of them? They're all part of the 'social media' sites that allow people to communicate with friends and family. Twitter is a site that people use to post a quick note on their current status. So, you'll see people post things like 'Headed to my favorite pizza place' or 'Attending the marketing conference. Who will be there?' Maybe a little much, but I have found it interesting to see what people post. Facebook is like your own web page with photos, messaging, video postings, a graffiti wall for people to draw on, band tracking of your favorite band and more. Of course, it's all random and you know how much I love this. One random bit of fun for me was to have a couple of friends (Brian and Becs) who my husband and I met at a bar in Cesky Krumlov, Czech Republic, 'friend me' in Facebook. Out of the blue! Haven't talked with them in a year and a half. (They live in Scotland). We're now planning a trip to see them again in September. What do you think? Have you checked these things out? We have a group in Facebook--if you're a member and want to check it out, it is "Southwest Airlines Freedom 101." We also have a Twitter account - Anyone in Second Life? Others we haven't mentioned?
Explorer A
Error! Error! Error! Dead link alert! Try (no space) instead.
Explorer C
Oh my gosh, I am so addicted to facebook too! I have not tried twitter before, but I am a facebook regular. I check my facebook more times than I check my Outlook during the day! Facebook me! Nick
Explorer C
I REALLY dislike your boarding policy. When I travel with family I prefer to sit with them instead of 2 strangers. If you are in category C, that is your only choice. I think this method STINKS and I will only fly you out of necessity, not by choice.
Adventurer C
Thanks Matthew on the dead link alert! Should be fixed!
Aviator C
Mr. Bard, I am sorry that Southwest is not your airline of choice. One thing most folks forget is that assigned seating is no guarantee of avoiding a center seat or of being able to sit together. In June, I flew US Airways from Dallas/Ft. Worth to Phladelphia as a fullfare passenger. Even though I booked a week ahead of time, the only seats available were center seats. Brian
Explorer C
Jill, how funny that you should ask about Second Life. My daughter works in the technology department of a large university, and she frequently conducts training sessions, teaching faculty and staff how to utilize the various Internet and computer-based functions and programs. One class she teaches is Second Life. Her university actually made a financial investment in this!
Adventurer A
Can someone explain how your family is being separated (if your family size is less than six) as a result of the "open boarding" system if your family is standing in line one member standing behind another member? Are a lot of you not doing a good job keeping your family together when the "boarding announcements" begin at the gate podium? Don't all members of a family get the same letter when they check-in?
Adventurer C
I've created an account and requested Southwest Air as a twitter friend! Can't wait to see it! Nikki
Explorer C
Hip, hip hooray for Southwest!! It's about time someone took some action about these women who go around half dressed, and darn near naked. I expect you will hear from them, but I also hope that you will hear from people like me who applaud you. A line has to be drawn someplace between decency and indecency.
Explorer C
I think you guys are idoits for making a big fuss over Kyla Ebbert oufit. There is nothing offensive about her outfit. There is also a 70's-era photo of Southwest flight attendants dressed in mini-skirts. You guys are morons..later
Explorer C
so if i don't were underwear, another passenger can have me removed. I didn't know airlines had a dress code
Explorer C
Read about your employees being fashion cops and making a passenger disembark because of their choice of attire. One more reason to look at other airlines first, when flying. Maybe my teeth won't be straight or white enough for your flight crew? Shame on you. M
Explorer C
You know what. I find your treatment of Ms. Ebbert reprehensible. Since when do airlines dictate what can and cannot be worn on an airplane. I dare say that your employee must have had some perverted interest in the girl to single her out. I notice that when some stinky, fat, sweating,belly hanging out of his clothes man has sat by me on your airline, you didnt seem to think he was dressed inappropriately, although I can tell you he certainly made my trip miserable. This is one too many times your have crapped on your customers including myself. I will not fly with you and your weird out of control flight attendants anymore. Customer service, flexible happy people. Give me a break! By the way, I checked , where exactly is your dress code Southwest?
Explorer C
What a bunch of idiots. I thought you were losers when I flew you. Dress code? Where exactly is your dress code? I saw a picture of the young lady, she was dressed more appropriately than your ad with the flight attendants in hot pants. Oops, didn't your male flight attendant know about that. I dare say, I think as the woman in the other blog, that maybe HE was paying a little too much attention to this young woman, because I know when I fly I am not filtering through the airplane looking for inappropriately dressed people. You may pride yourself on customer service and give yourself accolades. I promise you though, anyone who has flown with you knows this is nothing but a bunch of garbage. That is why I do not fly YOU anymore. Good luck with the PR on this one!
Explorer C
Well, you just lost another customer. I won't have anyone I pay to serve me tell me what to wear. Also, agree with the other two. Where is your dress code posted that gives anyone the right to drag a paying customer off a plane, humiliate her, and lecture her. I'd like to see you drag some kid off the plane with his pants down around his ankle with his underwear showing. Have you done that yet, your kidding you haven't? Is that not discrimination of some kind? Later you bunch of stupid people.
Explorer C
Gee, I guess alot of people just read the news and/or watched the video. I agree with all the above. I have seen first hand Southwest dragging people off the plane and confronting people with children etc. They embarrass the customer and their flight people are the rudest I have ever encountered. I have actually paid higher fares to avoid flying with them. Something should be done. I think I will ask the question everyone is burning to know, Where is your dress code Southwest?