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Southwest Airlines Community

Re-hire process

Adventurer C

I've traveled through many conversations on this site, regarding ex-employees getting re-hired at SWA, and I see a mix of contradicting information scattered throughout, some being wrong.. I'd love to give my two cents, so SWA re-hire applicants have more direction and insight.


First, a little about myself;

-I'm not a SWA employee.

-I'm a persistent re-hire applicant.

-I've tried countless times over the years, to get re-hired back and I've yet to be successful.

-In past years, I've had applications not get accepted and they never led to interviews.

-In past years, I've had applications get accepted, but phone/in-person interviews, did not go in my favor.

-Currently, I have an application that's been accepted, I've passed many interviews, and I've also passed my "re-hire panel."

-My current/pending application process is the farthest I've ever been, in-regards to re-applying at SWA and it occured, by not giving up. Which led me to share.


I hope the information and advise below is helpful for every re-hire applicant;


-Do not contact SWA's recruiters or employees prematurely to applying or interviewing. Instead, patiently wait for a SWA position to become available and then apply for that position asap.


-If your application gets accepted, you'll then have your chance to interview with a SWA recruiter. This interview, will be your opportunity to discuss in-detail, your reason(s) for leaving SWA. Other conversation topics will be dicussed as-well, not just why you left or why you want back.


-If your application does NOT get accepted or, if it does but your interview fails, please do NOT assume that your application was denied b/c you were a "re-hire".  Instead, keep in mind, that 100's of other qualified applicants are also applying for that position, therefore the chances of being hired, are very slim, for everyone. Just re-apply at a later date and don't give up.


-If your application gets accepted and you also pass your interview w/the SWA recruiter, then you'll have to present your situation to a "re-hire panel" of SWA supervisors. You'll have to explain to the re-hire panel, why you left AND why you want back. This "re-hire panel" will also have an open-mind, as your recruiter did, so have confidence and speak from the heart. 


-If your application gets accepted and your interview(s) went well AND, the re-hire panel advances your application, you may have one more interview (as I recently did) or, it may be time for a background check, fingerprints, drug testing, ect. as other applicants have done, every case is different and unique.


-Between the application and interviewing process, you'll be asked to fillout a former employee form. This is not bad news, it's an advancement in your process.


-Getting hired at SWA takes many months, back and fourth communication also takes a long time, so be patient during the whole process b/c SWA recruiters are working with 100's of applicants.


Also, SWA recruiters do acknowledge that sometimes employee's go through hard times and, that those hard times do affect employment, as well as relationships. Therefore, SWA recruiters do NOT look-down upon re-hiring past employees, as long as you've solved your issues and moved on in life.


If you really want something in life, never give up chasing it. Failed attempts should only give you more ambition to try harder.