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An 8 Week Vacation? Don't Take It! (or How I Spent My Christmas)

Adventurer C

If someone comes to you and says you have to take eight weeks off, with pay, don't take it!  Why? Because you are not allowed to do anything.  To help you understand, I have to start where all stories start: at the beginning.

On the last Sunday afternoon in September, I was horseback riding on my farm.  When my horse decided to take a hard right back to the barn, my saddle took a hard left.  It's amazing how many thoughts go through your head in a few seconds.  "Make sure my feet are out of the stirrups, get off or get knocked off by the upcoming trees, make sure I hit the ground rolling," etc.  After those quick thoughts,  I made my "unplanned dismount" (alright, I jumped). Everything seemed OK until I tried to sit up.  Turns out I dislocated my shoulder.

After two months of Physical Therapy, three times a week, all seemed to be healed going into December.  But two weeks before Christmas, while taking my coat off, something went POP! On Monday, December 15, I saw my Orthopedic surgeon, Dr. Chad Price. He wanted to fix my shoulder "soon." He said it would make the surgery easier if healing hadn't started yet. When I asked, "how soon is soon?" he said, "how's Friday sound?" So, on Friday the 19th, I was under the knife.

Then for the next eight weeks, I got to sit at home and do NOTHING. That's right, I got waited on, and goofed off for eight weeks.  It was great ... for the first two weeks.  After that I started going stir crazy.  And to top it off, SWA got hit with two solid weeks of weather disruptions. You have to understand, I enjoy the challenge of irregular operations, and I was stuck at home.

I'm back at work now, although I'm limited to ten pounds with my left arm for the short term.  But, soon I'll be released to full duty.  You don't know how much you miss something until you can't do it.  I really have missed my Customers and Coworkers.

So next time you're in Nashville, stop by the baggage service office and we can compare scars.  And remember, if someone offers you eight weeks off...DON'T TAKE IT!!

Frequent Flyer B
Bert - so good to hear from you again. We missed you on the blog, and I'm sure your friends missed having you in BNA during the holiday operations. What a doozy!
Explorer C
I hear you, i was out for 4 months and I hated it after 2 weeks also.