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Southwest Airlines Community

Valentine's Photo Contest Reminder

Aviator C
Hey, don't forget that today is the last day to enter and/or vote in our contest to send a lucky couple to Las Vegas.  To find out more information, click here.
Explorer C
"Fly like Cupid's arrow on Southwest Airline"
Explorer C
Mr. Lusk, I've been watching the contest tonight. I noticed that it said 0 people logged in and 2 guest were on the website. Suddenly the saying "Cupid stages a peaceful protest after airport security confiscates his bag of arrows" votes went up 9 votes. This person that was in second place moved up to first. How is that possible with only 2 people on the site the whole time? Please look into IP addresses to make sure these votes came from more than one person. I have no problem with losing the contest when honest votes are cast....but with the lies that have been written on my page in the last week I have reason to be concerned. Thank you so much for your time. I'm sure whomever wins the Las Vegas contest, fairly, will have a wonderful time in Las Vegas. Thank you to Southwest Airlines for sponsoring the contest and giving us all a chance at winning. BTW: People who were lying about me apparently assumed I am male because of the name PrettyBoy on the entry. I am a female for the record....Pretty Boy is the name of my deceased father's prized parrakett. 😉
Explorer C
Oops, just realized that the count of how many viewers I was looking at last night on the "View All Captions" page...was only for that page and not for the website. I now see that the "Home" page numbers tell the actual numbers of people on the site. Sorry for the misunderstanding that I posted above. Thank you Southwest for offering such a great trip for the winner to enjoy!!!! FLY SOUTHWEST
Explorer C
Just to clarify, I did ask for votes from a few of the online communities that I am a part of like and Myspace so it is very possible that I might have recieved a few votes within the same time frame, depending on the traffic at the time. Just FYI good Luck to All.
Explorer C
Cupid looses flying privilages, takes Southwest to finish job.
Explorer C
Cupid lets Southwest do the flying, wings are tired.