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Southwest Airlines Community

When Rachael Met Roy--Clear!

Frequent Flyer B
[asset|aid=329|format=image|formatter=asset|title=RBRiPodLogoSmall_0.gif|width=180|height=179|resizable=true|align=right]This week’s episode of Red Belly Radio is about two people flying from Chicago to Nashville. They were not traveling together, nor did they know each other. Roy Harris, a Southwest Airlines Customer would meet Rachael Jacobs, a Southwest Airlines off-duty flight attendant in the gate area. A typical introduction between two people might go something like “Rachael this is Roy, Roy, this is Rachael.” Well, their introduction was anything but typical.  

I don’t want to spoil the ending for you, but something serious happened, and a lifelong bond was formed. Listen to this episode of Red Belly Radio to hear the same story told from two very different perspectives.
Explorer C
My name is Tim Campbell. Roy Harris has been one of my best friends for 20 years now. I performed his wedding. I just wanted to thank Southwest Airlines and particularily Rachael Jacobs for going above and beyond the call of duty. Southwest treats people like people. And the way I understand it, without such compassion, my friend would not be with us now. Now more than ever, I will fly Southwest.
Explorer C
Rachael is THE Spirit of Southwest! I've known her for a couple of years now through our Culture Committee and had the thrill of working with her recently. Her 'take charge' personality combined with her compassion for others makes a great fit for SWA. She is active in work and community and we are all the better for knowing her.
Explorer C
What a great story of the faithfulness of our God!