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Southwest Airlines Community

Csa start date!

Explorer A

Hi guys! I have a question, I just finished my fingerprints and drug test a couple of weeks ago for the csa position.  and got a email saying that my screening process was complete, however I'm still waiting on a start/ training date. I got the email maybe 2-3 weeks ago. I find myself checking my dashboard every 5 seconds lol. If anyone can tell me how long until they got their start date would be totally awesome !! ❤️ ❤️ 


Re: Csa start date!

Frequent Flyer A

My experience has been 5 days for a confirmed start date. However, I've noticed for some it takes a few weeks. Hang in there, the emails will come. You can always send an email to your recruiter just to make sure you didn't miss anything. 😉 

Re: Csa start date!

Explorer A

Thank you so much! I appreciate it. I'm super excited