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Southwest Airlines Community

Ramp Agent Austin Texas on the job training schedule

Explorer C

I have gotten my start date and I am looking at 7am - 3:30pm for the first week at the airport and week 2 and 3 will be the on the job training. I was told that week 4 will be the 4 day training at Dallas. I just wanted to ask if anyone here knew how the schedule looks for the on the job training. I know that I will have the same schedule as my trainer and most likely morning shifts from what I have been hearing.


Anyone here working at the Austin station and can kind of give me an idea on how the actual shift schedule looks? Reason why is I am trying to see what time I will put my kids to daycare and if I am able to pick them up at as well, so that me and my wife can fix our work schedules accordingly. I am trying my best to make this work  and not let go of this great opportunity and not have to resign.  Thank you in advance !