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Southwest Airlines Community

Service Animals in Training

Explorer C

Why doesn't Southwest Airlines partner with any other service dog training organizations in addition to Canine Companions for Independance? As a puppy raiser for Guide Dogs for the Blind, I have been able to take a couple dogs on United Airlines, and the training has been immensely beneficial for the dogs, as in-cabin commecial air travel is a training experience that cannot be replicated in any other setting. I travel frequently, and I'd like to fly Southwest more often, but I frequently book with other airlines because of this policy. 


Re: Service Animals in Training

Explorer C

I am in the same boat as you. Would love to travel Southwest and allow the guide dog I am raising to benefit from this experience. I really don't understand why ESA policies are almost nonexistent yet dogs who are well behaved and training to help a disabled individual are automatically not allowed on any Southwest flight.

Re: Service Animals in Training

Explorer C

Agree completely.  The first time I raised I flew Southwest many times and now am not able to and fly United.  PLEASE SWA look at your policy to allow Guide Dogs in Training from legitimate schools such as Southeastern Guide Dogs.    It is so frustrating to see people flying with "support" dogs that are really pets and we are trying to change someones ability to live freely by puppy raising an cannot share our travel experiences because of your policies.