01:27 PM
HI; Will your schedule for Spokane change anytime soon? I love traveling southwest, and have been 100% SWA till this time. Your rates and times (2stops). Put your out of my cap for flying. I am forced to fly Delta (imagine me spitting). 🙂
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11:48 AM
11:48 AM
I agree with the person who posted regarding early bird checkin and reciept, I need a separate reciept so that I can get paid for the early bird checkin. I didn't really mind when the total was 30$-but now it's been upped to 50$ round trip, that's when it's time to get reimbursed. Also, you need to add this process to the FAQ's, when you do a search the site assumes I'm an idiot and asks, "Do you mean early bird refunds?" No, if I was looking for that I would have put in refunds. lol. Thanks in advance for your help.
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