11:46 PM
4 Loves
You cannot rely on the flight information provided when you booked. Airlines change planes all day every day depending on mechanical problems, weather, etc. This may not seem like an issue to some but to the rest of us we are putting our families at risk when we fly on Southwest. This is serious folks - people have died and the United States has chosen not to address the problem. Remember this is an administration that does not believe in climate change for God's sake - they will turn a blind eye to this to preserve Southwest's profits. China, Indonesia and Singapore have grounded these planes - is the United States really not as safety conscious as those countries? Are US lives not as valuable? This has all the makings of a tragedy, a mass tort, and a bankrupt airline. There is nothing more valuable than your passenger's safety and their goodwill. Lots of us are booked on these flights in the next week and looking to fly other airlines. Southwest is not an option because any of us can be put on one of these planes at any time if we fly this airline - this is classic "Assumption of the Risk". Who among us is willing to assume that risk for our families?
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