@rdurrell wrote: Dear Jess, I take it you do not have children. The Family Bank would be an optional enrolment. Also, enrollment would be contingent on suppling Brith Certificates, and ONLY for familes comprised of as least one (1) adult, WITH children UNDER THE AGE of 18. I'm sure, like most "entitlements" there are those on the other side who would try to take advantage of this program. Rather than share your negative thoughts, why not add positive constructive comments to help achieve this goal which would be a huge help to familes. Interesting - these details about needing birth certificates to apply and needing children under the age of 18 were left out of your original post. In your original post, you said that both of your sons have over 10K RR points each, so that must make them over 18. Unless you have other children, you would be disqualified from joining your own program! My thoughts aren't meant to be negative, but realistic. As @gsking mentioned, if you have enough RR points yourself, you can purchase tickets on behalf of someone else, and you can transfer RR points from one account to another as well. So if you wanted, your sons could transfer their points to you and then you could have one giant pool of your families points and redeem all your tickets from your account. So, in a way, what you are looking to do already exists, there are just a few other steps needed to implement it and have all of your families points under one account. --Jessica
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