Respectfully disagree...the law says SW can't discriminate against the disabled and must give acccommodation. It doesn't say SW can't charge disabled the same price as the abled. Therefore, if SW charged the "Business Select" price to be able to get pre-boarding the same as those in the "A" group, there is no discrimination and no violation of the law. It just takes one airline with some guts and a willingness to fight it out in court to make the difference. When family members have to pay the higher price, a lot of cheating will be stopped.
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01:30 PM
01:30 PM
I agree it is out of control. I usually see at least 2 and sometimes 3-4 family members board with the "disabled" individual during pre-boarding. So, here's my solution to solve all the pre-boarding problems. All disabled and family members who pre-board with them must pay the full upgrade price to Business Select just like all other non-disabled persons who want to get in the "A" boarding group. If southwest airlines implements this solution, nobody will have a right to complain about pre-boarding ever again, because all the pre-boarders pay the exact same price for their tickets regardless of their status.
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