While I certainly did not know Brian the way his Southwest family did, I got to know Brian over a few years discussing airplanes, airlines, airliners, things with wings and occasionally trains.
I am saddened to hear of Brian's passing. I wrote this today about Brian on my blog, I figured blogging about him seemed appropriate - Southwest’s Historian Passes Into History. So Long Brian - http://bit.ly/ZQmBBp
- Steven
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As one of the co-Commentators for the 21st Annual Freddie Awards, commenting live throughout the ceremony's web-cast, I'd like to congratulate Southwest Airlines for being the ONLY airline to have ever won The Freddie Award for 'Best Reward Redemption. It is not that this is a new category, it is just that no other airline in The Americas has ever won the award! Every year the award has gone to Southwest Airlines.
I guess you LUV your passengers and your loyal passengers LUV Southwest!
For relevant commentary on a wide range of airline topics feel free to follow my Twitter feed at http://www.twitter.com/flyingwithfish (Southwest Airlines follows me...maybe some Southwest flyers would like to as well).
Happy Flying!
Steven Frischling
The Travel Strategist & Flying With Fish
Web: http://www.thetravelstrategist.com
Blog: http://www.flyingwithfish.com
Twit: http://www.twitter.com/flyingwithfish
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