09:11 PM
I fly about 3 or 4 times a month on different days of the week. I witnessed two heated verbal altercations last month. (I was not involved in either of them.) They arose from one person holding/blocking more than two exit row seats and preventing others from sitting wherever they wanted to. Priority Boarding does not mean priority "hoarding" multiple seats. Besides inviting disruptive behavior, exit row seat hoarding can potentially delay flights in the event a "reserved" exit row seat becomes occupied by someone legally prohibited from sitting there because of the inability/unwillingless to assist during an evacuation. These problems can be avoided if SWA implements and enforces a policy of strictly limiting the number of exit row seats that Group A passengers can "reserve" for others. In any event, SWA should invite passengers to propose a solution to a problem it created.
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02:55 PM
What does SWA plan to do to stop altercations due to inconsiderate priority boarding passengers (Group A, lower numbers) "holding" multiple exit row seats for passengers who are not entitled to priority boarding. F/As will not interfere because SWA does not allow or disallow such seat hoarding and/or placement/removal of objects used to "hold" or block the seats which anyone may occupy upon boarding pursuant to SWA's group/number priority seating policy.
SWA can be held liable if someone is injured in a fight with another passenger caused by SWA's implementation of what has become a "lawless" open seating policy.
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What about saving seats for my wife AND girlfriend?
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