04:36 PM
Way to miss the whole point Roy, good use of strawmen as well. No one said that the trainers don't love the prisoners or treat them badly. It's the captivity and living conditions that are inhumane. If you love something, wouldn't you want what is best for it ? It is clear, documented by science that captivity is bad for killer whales and dolphins,period. There are no ,ifs, ands, or buts. They do not thrive in captivity and it's wrong to keep them in those conditions. Did you even watch Blackfish ?
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12:56 AM
1 Love
Kelly, would you mind if I took one of your kids and locked them in a phone booth for the rest of their lives ? You know, it would be great to share them with passersby so they can connect and care more for children .
Sounds terrible and cruel doesn't it ? That's exactly what you are advocating for to happen to Killer Whales, and Dolphins. These aren't goldfish, they have families,language, memories,and feel emotions just like we do.
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Matt, ever watch Animal Planet, or the Discovery Channel ? Sea Prison is far from the only place that people are exposed to marine mammals ? What about the wild at the beach or whale watching tours ? Some of my fondest memories from childhood are of seeing Orcas from the beach, seeing them in a fishbowl is a poor substitute and very sad. Your point is invalid , besides no one learns anything by watching a killer whale or a dolphin in captivity do a flip . Your argument sounds exactly like something that Sea Prison put out to the press, sounds logical, until you think about it.
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I am disappointed in Southwest Airlines, I always thought that you were a forward looking company. As long as you continue this partnership with Sea Prison, neither I , my extended family, or friends will be flying with you. What Sea Prison does to Orcas and Dolphins is inhumane, immoral, and intolerable. Is that what you want to associate your company with ?
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