09:18 PM
1 Love
Dear SW - I am a very frequent business traveler and I must tell you that you have really messed up with one of your new policies. By making families with small children board the plane after group A, you have actually hurt, not helped business travelers. I for one always avoid sitting near families with small children, not because I don't like kids - just the noise and seat kicking. Now this is no longer in my control as they are boarding the plane after me and I cannot control where they sit. This very case happened to me yesterday as I boarded a plane from Kansas City to Seattle. I had a family with one child sit behind me ( the child directly behind me) and he kicked my seat the entire flight and spent the last 20 minutes absolutely wailing. Please re-think this policy to give me back the control over where I sit in relation to these families. Let the group C crowd, deal with this un-intended issue.
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