Hello Bill,
I am absoluely estatic at the announce for LGA. I think it would be a great complement to the system. I know there are a few people that are worrisome about the delay issue that alot of other airlines encounter with LGA, but LGA has been improving their arrival time. Last month I believe they posted a 73 percent ontime arrival. I know... not as high as other airports but a huge improvement from last place. I sincerely hope that BWI is not forgotten about in the slot selection. The feeder traffic from the south and from florida would be overwhelming. GREAT for Southwest. True it would be good to have high freqencies to one market from the jump but like someone said before, what happens if MDW shutdown? What are the options? I say don't just share LGA with residents west of MDW where connecting there is feasible. Share the 66th city wtih the whole Southwest system. If you want them full. The market is definately there. Even if the NYC - PBI/FLL/MIA/TPA/RSW/ANYTHING ASSOCIATED TO FLORIDA market is already saturated, that city has 21million people in their metropolitan area. I think that one of the only cities I believe that can never be over served. just not enough airports...THANK GOD LOL. ( I mean no harm MDW, but your winters are beyond me. I don't know how you guys do it which is the reason why you guys are such a great airline I guess. )
I live in the Baltimore/Washington Metropolitan Area and of course by your rapid growth here you guys know there's alot of people here who absolutely love you and willing to spend the money... LGA would solidify it. I know alot of people that would drive to DCA to fly to LGA because US Airways Shuttle uses Airbus 319 rather than fly out of BWi becuase they uses regional jets. Don't forget about that influx, but I'll guess we'll all have to hold it in and tap our pencils until you guys announce which lucky CITIES ( hopefully ) will get the LGA gig. Until then...
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