I am a 25 year veteran flier and a companion pass qualified Rapid Rewards member. I am hoping that Southwest will reconsider a recently adopted rule impacting Rapid Rewards fliers. Frequently I finish my work detail early and would like to return home a day early. Recent rule changes make this impossible. Trying to get home from LAX recently, I inquired about moving the return date ahead one day and found that although there are many daily flight from LAX to SLC, SW will depart with several empty seats on a flight, and refuse access to a RR passenger. This is frustrating and there is really no good reason for it. I do understand that they are opposed to standby's hanging around the podium, however this could be accommodated by a rez agent or online, on the day of departure, without causing a problem. That said, in the opinion of this traveler, SWA offers the best flying experience possible. Overall, the agents, crew and ground support, are without peer. I am excited about the addition of the 738 and look forward to many future flights on my favorite airline!
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