I'm pretty appalled at my average size fellow travelers...I'm average size and I've never been bothered by a bigger person sitting next to me any more than sitting next to someone smaller. Its all too close regardless of our sizes, and I think we all could have some more compassion for other people regardless of their size when we fly in the cramped conditions the airlines insist on inflicting on us. The assumption in many of these posts is that fat people are just lazy, unhealthy and they get what they deserve.... I find that outrageous, you people don't know anything about these total strangers and you have no business judging anyone. Losing weight is nowhere near as easy as you all imply. But then again you're thin so how would you know? Oh that's right, you don't know.
And to Southwest Air... how about doing everyone a favor... if you are so sure that big people need two seats even if they fit into one seat with the arm rests down as Kevin Smith did, then fine, provide the second seat free... make everyone comfortable while still paying the same price regardless of size. And when arranging seating for people of size... work that out BEFORE the passenger is on the plane seated in front of all the other passengers. Meanwhile big people, fly Jet Blue! They have bigger seats for everyone.
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