09:45 PM
1 Love
This issue represents a clash of cultures. There is the small toen culture of mutual respect for one another which is rapidly eroding in this country. Just as rapidly, the self-obsessed culture grows. Southwest at one time, prescribed revealing uniforms for their flight attendants. This was also an age where sexual discrimitation and females were exploited for being female. While the culture has grown more self-obsessed and individualistic, the corporate culture including Southwest evolved to become more conservative.
On a number of occaisions I have asked people to not smoke or coduct their personal cellualr telephone conversdations near me because I find it rude and an invasion of space. Most of these individuals are put off. Nonetheless, I am entitled to my peace of mind just as much as person committing the violation.
It appears to me that the SWA flight attendant felt the same. He or she was most likely acting in the best interest of a number of people who expressed offense at the outfit.
Self-expression is appropriate and justified. However, revealing attire when worn in an inappropriate setting is justification for question.
This young woman should NOT have been wearing such attire on the airplane, in my opinion. As with every airline, there is a contract of carriage that limits your rights in exchange for air travel. I would imagine that these terms and conditions are in writing and could have been reviewed by the young woman prior to air travel.
However, the median educational level of a waitress at Hooters usually precludes comprehension of the material in the aforementioned contract.
I applaud Southwest for standing up for the common good versus the rights of individuals.
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