Thank you Southwest Airlines for allowing pets to travel one way versus round trip this Thanksgiving holiday. Please explain to your patrons as to the reasoning to allow a pet to leave without incident from Love Field, and why the pet would be denied boarding in Little Rock, Arkansas on the return leg? She still weighs 12 lbs and did not eat too much turkey on Thanksgiving day. Her travel bag is a Sherpa and as always is major airline approved for pet travel. She has been a frequent traveler for over 5 years. It is also very disheartening that no assistance was offered to swap tickets for me onto American Airlines. It was very humiliating and upsetting to be stranded in an airport with the possibilty of not making it home. I realize that these are tough economic times, but I suspect that American Airlines is very thankful this Thanksgiving holiday that your inconsistent application of your travel policy contributes to their financial health. The inconsistent application of the policy could be due to the ticket agent's inexperience with checking in less than 6 pets in his entire Southwest career. When we see the billboards toting clever advertisements for Luv of Southwest Airlines, we will ponder on what to be thankful for this holiday season. Sorry Southwest, American Airlines out classed you on this trip!
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